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Is posture behind knee pain?

When you have good posture, you sit, stand and walk properly so that your skeleton is properly aligned, your weight is evenly distributed and your body is in balance.
When you have bad posture, your bones move out of alignment. This may cause a shift with the balance of weight and put unnecessary stress on your joints.

Over time, when misalignments in the spine result in misalignment of the bones, you may suffer from chronic joint pain and show a limited range of motion in your shoulders, spine, hips, knees, ankles and feet.

At ChiroCure Clinic our therapists can help you!

posture correction chirocure clinic

Don’t let poor posture cause you to experience knee pain, and other related musculoskeletal conditions.

Our chiropractors and massage therapists are able to treat your posture imbalance to help reduce the cause and prevalence of knee pain.

For more information please contact us at ChiroCure Clinic StKilda East on (03)90135133.

Visit our online booking system @www.chirocure.gettimely.com
Book an appointment any day of the week!