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Did you know that we have a rib misalignment??

Rib misalignment is no laughing matter…

A rib misalignment occurs when your rib moves slightly (backwards and inwards) from the thoracic vertebra towards the spine, the muscles in your back will then contract and tighten to protect the misalignment.

Symptoms include:

  • Difficulty or pain when breathing, sneezing, and coughing
  • Often causes a shooting pain that around the side or front of the chest
  • May also result in neck pain and pain or numbness along the arm
Rib Misalignment is usually caused by:

– Compression or trauma to the rib cage
– excessive squeezing or coughing

– Injuries where you are hit from the side
– Twisting injuries – lifting and twisting

How can chiropractic help:

– Relief from rib misalignment is difficult to self remedy.
– You can try an ice pack on the affected area, 10 minutes on, then 10 minutes off.

– Professional assistance is recommended if the symptoms haven’t improved after three days.