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osteopathy & chiropractic for degenerative conditions

​osteopathy & chiropractic for degenerative conditions

What is Degenerating Discs?

What are the stages of degenerative disc disease?
Degenerative disc disease can be categorised by 4 stages.
Stage 1 is the least severe and stage 4 is the most severe.

Causes & ​risk factors for degenerative disc disease

The risk factors that may pre-dispose you to degenerative disc disease are:

• Advanced age
• Prior herniated disc or spinal injury
• Job that requires strenuous physical work, prologed sitting
• Lack of exercise
• Obesity
• Inherited genes
• Smoking
• Poor posture

Stages of degeneration

Stage 1: In the 1st stage, the spine may loose its normal balance or arch, affecting the posture and inducing stress to the nerves and accelerated ageing process.
You are not likely to feel any pain in this stage but you might experience a sense of discomfort. You may also feel sluggish or experience changes in your posture to compensate for the slight degeneration of the discs.

Stage 2: In this stage, you may witness increased postural changes as the degeneration is greater. It has been projected that by age 40, about 78% of men and women exhibit moderate disc degeneration. During this phase, a person is much more likely to feel intermittent aches and pains as well as tiredness. Unfortunately, many people consider that the reduced energy and aches and pains are normal and not a sign of degenerative disc disease.

Stage 3: Further postural changes occur in this stage. This is also associated with additional damage to the spine due to the possibility of severe nerve compression. Bone spurs may form and compress the nerves, leading to radiating pain and increased feeling of tiredness and exhaustion

Stage 4: In the end stage or in advanced degenerative disc disease, the intervertebral disc degenerates and the disc space collapses resulting in herniation of the inner disc material through the disc wall. MRI or a CT scan may also reveal visible changes in the bony portion of the neighboring vertebrae. The pressure of the herniated disc on the nerves leads to pain and neurological symptoms. The symptoms of advanced degenerative disc disease depend largely on which spinal level the pathology occurs and the amount of herniation or stenosis involved.


Getting to the core of exercise & rehab

Why is it so important to activate and strengthen your core?
> Improves dynamic balance
> Improves spinal stability
> Improves muscle endurance

Getting down to the core!
Core strengthening can provide a great stability when starting any kind of training. It allows for the lumbopelvic complex to function smoothly, without placing other structures of the body in detrimental harm.
Having decreased core stability can increase exposure to injury and can contribute to increased pain patterns.

Book online or call us on 90135133 if you would like your posture assessed and receive rehabilitation exercises and programs!
Emre, O , Cem K , İlbilge Ö(   (2020). The effect of static and dynamic core exercises on dynamic balance, spinal stability, and hip mobility in female office workers. DOI: 10.5606/tftrd.2020.4317
Santos, M, Behm, D, Bardado, D; (2019). Core endurance relationships with athletic and functional performance in active people. DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01490
Hibbs, A, Thompson, K, French, D; (2012). Optimizing performance by improving core stability and core strength. 

Correcting our “hunched posture”

How to relieve shoulder and upper back tightness after a long day in front of your computer?

Is sitting at your desk all day bothering you…. Dont worry, we can help!?

Below we have detailed a couple of stretches for sedentary occupations and those who suffer from neck pain or upper back stiffness.
​You can perform this stretches on a daily basis, while at work or home to help improve your posture and reduce your pain.

​* Come in to ChiroCure clinic in St Kilda for a free spine assessment, postural screen and we canCH offer you some personalised rehabilitation advice and give you rehabilitation manuals

Stretching your pectoral and upper trapezius muscles help alleviate pain and discomfort in your neck and mid back region allowing you to sit down with improved posture. Our practitioners are happy to show you how to stretch your tight muscles, next time you have a treatment.

We also offer…


​When Should People See An Allied Health Professional!?

When Should You See An Allied Health Professional at ChiroCure Clinic!?

There are many different symptoms/problems that indicate it may be suitable to come in and see an allied health professional. This post will recognise some of the most common problems we see and how Massage therapyChiropractic Care and Osteopathic Treatment from the team at the ChiroCure Clinic may help!

What Are Some Common Problems?
There are many different symptoms that people can experience before seeing an allied health professional.
​Some of the most common problems we see:

How Can These Signs Impact Your Daily Activities?
One of the most common problems both our Osteopaths & Chiropractors see are individuals with low back pain and stiffness. This can affect how you perform at work.

Depending on the symptoms you are experiencing it can have an influence on other aspects of your life including:

  • Sleep patterns
  • Exercise routines
  • Energy levels
  • Productivity


How Can The ChiroCure Clinic Team Help With These Issues?
At the ChiroCure Clinic we provide evidence-based treatment protocols that focus on improving the musculoskeletal system to help with the pain and discomfort people experience. This is accomplished by using different techniques and modalities of treatment based on patient requirements.

Our experienced Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Massage Therapists will complete a thorough assessment of your condition / problem to ensure we know exactly how we are able to help. Our approach to treatment may include manual adjustments, handheld adjustments, manual assisted techniques, soft tissue techniques, rehabilitation exercises & personalised rehab manuals, depending on your problem/s and allied health professional you are with!​


Pain – How chiro / osteo care can help!?

How Does Osteopathy & Chiropractic Help With Your Pain? Dr. Matt Explains

Pain is our body’s mechanism of alerting us when there is something we are doing wrong for our bodies. Meaning that if we want to continue to operate to the best of our abilities, we must create a change in both our habits and behaviours. If we do not, the pain can return and at times worse than before!

As pain disappears and the body begins to feel like it’s as good as new again the question is… What will you be doing differently next time to avoid this pain!?
If the answer is NOTHING, then using osteopathic or chiropractic treatment to your advantage to help decrease the severity of flare ups/relapses is ideal! Why? Because many of the injuries we manage are caused by poor posture and overuse injuries! We offer the rehabilitation needed to overcome these issues!

The Chiropractic and Osteopathic team at the ChiroCure Clinic understand that pain is best managed by creating long term changes! Firstly, the pain needs to be alleviated with adjustive techniques or low force techniques to the spine, soft tissue massage to the surrounding musculature and accompanied by an exercise regime to help make the changes needed to influence bad habits and behaviours!

​Many of our patients seek Chiropractic or Osteopathy care for conditions such as headaches, neck pain, back pain, sports injury and postural related issues! By creating a change to your musculoskeletal system, it will enable you to function to the best of your abilities.

If you are seeking treatment which will help restore your structural and functional health our chiropractors and osteopaths at the ChiroCure Clinic are here to help get you back on track! 

Dr Matthew Samartzis

Dr Matthew is one of experienced chiropractors at ChiroCure Clinic StKilda. He has a specific interest in the treatment and management of sports injuries, degenerative conditions and acute pain presentations including headache & low back pain. Dr. Matthew is passionate about providing holistic care that includes manual adjusting. 



Should you see a 
Chiropractor or an Osteopath?

Chiropractors are an allied health professional who will care for patients who experience neuro-musculoskeletal problems such as joints, muscles and nerves. Musculoskeletal conditions can include (but not limited to) headaches, neck pain. back pain, vertigo sports type injuries and more.

Most Chiropractors use spinal manipulation techniques to adjust patients and help alleviate pain symptoms to help normalize function of the spine and the nervous system. Chiropractors are also trained professionals in providing patients with movements, stretches and lifestyle advice to avoid future aches and pains and decrease relapses.

Our Chiropractors at the ChiroCure Clinic are driven on reaching your healthcare goals by alleviating symptoms and restoring function to the body. As we begin with a focus on pain that an individual is experiencing, people along the way report several other changes in their overall health and wellbeing from Chiropractic Care!

Osteopaths are an allied health professional who cares for patients who experience musculoskeletal system problems such as the bones, muscles, and other tissues that support the body and control bodily movement. When it comes to treating patients’ manual techniques, such as articulations, spinal manipulation and soft tissue massage/muscle stretches may be completed. Our Osteopath has a driven focus in areas such as neck pain, back pain, sciatica, shoulder pain and sports injuries!

​Regardless of who you choose you will be cared for by the professional to the best of their ability!

Often the best choice comes down to patient preference.

The team at the ChiroCure Clinic are always here to help you with any questions over the phone and will let you know if Chiropractic care or Osteopathic care is suitable for your requirements!

​Feel open to Contact Us!



Our St Kilda clinic will reopen after lockdown for in-clinic patient treatments from Thursday 18th February
Don’t stress about getting a booking, we will always make a spot available for you outside our normal working hours in coming weeks!

You can view all available services, appointment times, as well as login to our patient portal to change current bookings!

VISIT @ https://bookings.gettimely.com/chirocure/bb/book


Saturday & Sunday Appointments

ChiroCure Clinic is open sat & sun for appointments!

Saturday appointments          8am – 6pm
Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Massage, Dryneedling, Pregnancy Massage

Our Chiropractors – Dr. Jen and Dr. Matthew are available in the StKilda Clinic for Saturday appointments, along with our Osteopath Dr. Sebastien, for both new patients and return visits. Our Massage therapists are also available all day for weekend appointment bookings.

Sunday appointments             9am – 5pm
Chiropractic, Massage, Myotherapy, Pregnancy Chiropractic, Paediatric care

If you ever need treatment on a Sunday – Dr. Emily and Dr. Tania our Chiropractors are here for you!
They work along side – Dani, Alisa & Claudia our Massage Therapists, and accept new patients and return visits over the weekend. 

Clinic Phone (03)9013 5133 
Online bookings @ chirocure.net

Xray imaging service, reports & referrals

Our  imaging referrals and services

ChiroCure Clinic® offers state of the art digital X-ray services for your convenience. X-rays are bulk billed directly to Medicare, saving you time and money. 
Our practitioners will refer your to have X-rays taken by a qualified radiographer in Balaclava. 
Referral allows us to view your X-ray images immediately online to assess the results. During your X-ray report of findings consult, our Chiropractor’s will explain the results and provide a detailed written report for you to take home.
We can guarantee you will be receiving a safe and accurate diagnosis from the X-rays, which will aid your chiropractor’s recommended course of treatment.
Why do I need an X-ray?
X-rays are a great non-invasive tool which can give your health practitioner an insight into what is going on inside your body.

Your practitioner may refer you to get an X-ray if you present with any of the following clinical indications:

– Scoliosis
– Osteoporosis
– Specific trauma
– Over 50 years of age
– Chronic lower back pain
– Recurring headaches

As well as a number of other miscellaneous factors which may alert our practitioners to suspect an existing health conditions.
What will an X-ray indicate?
All of the X-ray images taken at our clinic are sent to an external radiology company where they are reported on by a qualified Radiologist.

The report is sent back to your practitioner and will indicate to them if you have any existing health concerns. It will outline a complete analysis of the area X-rayed and it will indicate any abnormalities present, such as a fracture or dislocation.  

From this report you will have a proper and accurate diagnosis of any existing conditions and this will in turn allow our Chiropractor’s to tailor treatment according to your specific requirements.

In certain cases our Chiropractor’s may also need to refer you onto other specialists for further imaging and / or treatment.

Is having an X-ray dangerous?
Modern X-ray facilities such as ours pose very little risk to adults and are considered to be a safe dose of radiation. X-ray imaging is only deemed harmful for a developing foetus.
​For this reason you should inform us if you have any reason to believe you may be pregnant. In which case, alternate testing methods which do not involve radiation will be sought.

Clinic hours Xmas / New Year 2021

ChiroCure Clinic is open this holiday period!!​​

Clinic hours for xmas 2020 and new year 2021 can be seen below.
For more information and appointment bookings please call the clinic. 


Dr Tania Leski
Chiropractor @ChiroCure Clinic