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Home care & advice while CoVI19 isolating

Do you need a helping hand during isolation and social distancing?

If you can’t go to the gym or do outdoor exercise, but still want to stay strong and healthy… why not let us help you?​

Our therapists can formulate a program that allows you to continue to work on your health and fitness with stretching, strengthening and movement rehab!!
Here at ChiroCure Clinic our practitioners can provide advice and recommendation about several exercise options including rehab tools and equipment that can help you maintain your health at home! We can pair this with an individualised program prescribed by one of our Chiropractors that will focus on your main area of concern and help you stay focused while in isolation!!

The Foam Roller

​The Foam Roller is great for increasing mobility throughout your spine and extremities. You can focus on loosening tight and tender muscles, through direct pressure or stretching over the foam roller. ​It is a great tool that you can easily store and use anywhere at home that will help you strengthen and protect your body. We offer a detailed manual with images and descriptions, created by one of our chiropractors, to assist you to create a personalised rehabilitation program

Manuals can be purchased online and mailed out, as well as supplied in PDF form so you can view it on your phone or tablet!!!

Ask Your Chiropractor about these products and how they can help you reach your health goals while at home.

The Resistance Band

A tool prescribed regularly by your Chiropractor to help correct postural abnormalities, strengthen weak muscles or muscle groups and stretch those that are tight and tender. Resistance Bands are a great alternative when you are not able to attend the gym, as it gives you the ability to strengthen or stretch specific muscles or muscle groups anywhere in your own home. The Resistance band can be accompanied by detailed direction through rehabilitation from your Chiropractor
Exercises aim to: 
Increase range of motion through specific movements, improve muscle Strength through Isometric, eccentric or concentric exercises & decrease Muscle tightness through stretching

Spikey Ball

​Last but not least, the Spikey ball is fantastic at pinpointing specific muscles that are tight and causing restrictions through movement.
​It plays a similar role to your Foam Roller, but with more specificity. 
Through correct application the spikey ball can be used to complete self myofascial release exercises as well as trigger point therapy and massage in your own home.

Exercise manuals aim to: 
Release tight and tender muscles, prevent muscular pain and spasms, 
& lengthen muscles to reduce pull causing misalignment.


For more information and pricing please the clinic on (03)90135133

Massage and Myo returning to ChiroCure Clinic!

Massage & Myotherapy treatments are returning to ChiroCure Clinic from SEP 30!

We are excited to announce that from September 30, all of our massage services are returning! 

This includes remedial massage, myotherapy, dry needling, pregnancy care, therapeutic cupping, rehabilitation, kinesiology and more. 

The end of the year is fast approaching, so don’t forget to use your private health benefits before they run out. 

To make a booking, call us at the clinic on 9013 5133 or click on the button below.


Welcome Dr Matthew – Chiropractor

We would like to warmly welcome our newest Chiropractor – Dr Matthew to the ChiroCure clinic team!  
Available during COVID lockdown 

​We are very  excited to be able to offer Dr Matthew’s clinical experience and passion for health care to our patients and the local community. Dr Matthew is a registered Chiropractor with a double degree from RMIT, who grew up in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne. 

It is evident in his approach to Chiropractic care, that he has a strong focus toward the function of the human body and the application of evidence based medicine. He believes that treatment can support optimal function through education, exercise, rehabilitation, positive thinking and chiropractic care. 

Dr Matthew is dedicated to helping people from all walks of life towards a healthier path, so they can achieve their goals and have more energy to do what they love!!
​​He is looking forward to meeting you for care!

Appointment Availability:

Mon    2pm – 9pm
Wed   12pm – 9pm
Thurs  10am – 8pm

Sat*   12pm – 6pm


Fibromyalgia Symptoms & ChiroCure Treatment

​What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition that often causes debilitating pain and associated symptoms including emotional stress and headaches. 
chirocure fibromyalgia treatment options

7 common symptoms of fibromyalgia, and how we can help!!

#1 Chronic Pain 
Fibromyalgia patients experience a condition known as central sensitisation. This means that the body is constantly in a state of wind-up where stimuli are perceived as far more painful than they should be. Central sensitisation causes the body to categorise non-dangerous stimuli as dangerous, leading to widespread pain in the body. 

#2 Overwhelming Sensory Responses 
For fibromyalgia patients touch is not the only sense that is easily overwhelmed, you may also experience changes in sight, smell, and hearing. Thus, a loud noise, bright lights, or pungent odour may prove exhausting, or trigger a flare-up in symptoms. Unfortunately, sensory overload is often unavoidable for a fibromyalgia patient. 

#3 Extreme Exhaustion 
The exhaustion associated with fibromyalgia can be debilitating. Exhaustion may be caused from the stress of dealing with pain on a continual basis. This may in turn cause sleeping problems.  incorrect sleeping posture or pillow support – we can help you with this at the clinic.

#4 Difficulty Sleeping
For someone suffering from fibromyalgia, sleep problems can result in a debilitating cycle. Lack of sleep actually causes a person to experience higher pain levels. However, that pain can also make it difficult to sleep.

Our practitioners can offer recommendations on lifestyle changes that may help improve sleep habits, including therapeutic pillows and sleep posture. We can also offer support to help you find your best environment for sleep.

chiropractic treatment at chirocure clinic stkilda

#5 Associated Conditions
​Research has found a link between fibromyalgia and an increased risk of IBS – irritable bowel syndrome. Patients may also be at greater risk of suffering from emotional conditions including depression and anxiety. Whether the pain or uncertainty of the fibromyalgia symptoms and create negative effects in a patients social life, personal life or career. 

#6 Cognitive Symptoms
For many fibromyalgia patients, this can be one of the toughest parts of the condition to deal with. Pain can make it difficult to focus. This can affect both work and home life. Short-term memory issues and information retention problems are common. You may wander the house for half an hour looking for your keys only to forget what you needed to go to the store for in the first place. It can be tough to explain to family and friends what it is like to feel as though you are in a fog at all times. 

#7 Chronic Headaches or Migraines 
Fibromyalgia patients are at risk of experiencing for more frequent migraines or headaches, including tension headaches, as chronic pain and stress can lead to tension in the neck and shoulders and spine. Our practitioners can help with specific treatment techniques and home care exercises to relax the muscles around your tension areas.

Treatment options…

​Our practitioners can offer you chiropractic, osteopathy and remedial massage treatments to help manage your condition and symptoms.

Our Chiropractors and Osteopaths will focus treatment around the cervical region, specifically the top two bones in the neck, being  the C1 and C2 vertebrae, as well as the cranial region. 

To learn if upper our cervical specific treatment is the right option for you, please come and see us at ChiroCure Clinic in StKilda.

Our therapists will take a patient history and perform a physical examination. We may refer you to have some diagnostic imaging, which may help to determine the degree and location and extent of any upper cervical misalignments that are present.

We will discusstreatment options and a plan of care can be determined to meet your specific needs.


We are open this winter

Supplement ChiroCure Clinic St Kilda

ChiroCure Clinic is excited to introduce our winter warmers. 

You can schedule an appointment online with any of our practitioners l via our online booking system.

Simply visit:  www.chirocure.net/appointments

COVID UPDATE – Clinic remains open to patients

ChiroCure Clinic will remain open for the duration of this second lockdown period.

​Our practitioners will be available to patients for all treatments via appointment booking. 

Open during COVID19 Lockdown

Dear Patients,
At ChiroCure, we place your health and wellbeing as our highest priority, as such we will be open during the coming COVID-19 lock down, operating under a strict continuity plan.
Remaining open enables us to continue to manage your condition with consistent treatments to get you back to the best version of you.
The development and implementation of this plan has been a collaborative effort between our entire team.

The effectiveness of the plan requires all of our team to take ownership and responsibility for their personal safety and in turn the ongoing viability of our medical essential service.
Please contact the clinic if you have any concern or would like to know more. Don’t delay treatment during this time, we are here to help.
Yours in good Health,
ChiroCure Team


Understanding different chiropractic adjustment techniques

Our treatment techniques

Below is a brief description of the primary chiropractic adjustment techniques we use.
​Each method of chiropractic treatment has its advantages and our chiropractors will work with you to determine if one or a combination of methods are right for you.

Spinal Manipulation Therapy

Also known as manual chiropractic manipulation, this chiropractic adjustment technique is the most commonly used of all techniques and is the one probably most familiar to patients.

​It involves a quick, yet gentle, pressure to the joint using the chiropractor’s hands. It often results in an audible ‘pop’. This sound is created by the change of pressure within the joint that results in gas bubbles being released.

Activator Adjusting

The Activator adjusting instrument provides a low force approach to adjusting within chiropractic care. The Activator instrument assisted treatment has been used on patients of all ages since the late 1960s and has a steadfast reputation for bringing relief to people with a variety of health concerns including back pain, neck pain and headaches. It is gentle and pleasant in application, and an audible ‘pop’ may be heard.

Impulse Adjusting

Impulse Adjusting is a new technique purposely created to deliver gentle, controlled and precise chiropractic adjustments to the joints of the spine and extremities to relieve pain and restore function. ​
The Impulse Adjusting Instrument is specifically tuned to the natural frequency of the body, thus allowing the creation of more bone movement with less force. Effective for low force chiropractic adjustments with great results.
There is no popping or cracking with these adjustments, but rather very precise and targeted adjustments designed to specifically care for just the right areas. 

Drop Piece

This specialised chiropractic technique uses a special table with sections that move up and down under your body to lightly unlock specific segments of your spine. Drop table adjustments allow our chiropractors at ChiroCure Clinic to minimise the force used for the adjustment and avoids any twisting positions.

Flexion distraction

Flexion distraction therapy is a lighter technique utilising a specialised table that provides flexion and traction to specific areas of the spine to aid in the recreation of lost movement and the decompression and realignment of the spine.
This chiropractic technique is primarily used to manage:

  • disc injuries, such as slipped discs and bulging discs
  • osteoarthritis
  • spinal stenosis
  • back, buttock and leg pain
  • mobility of spinal joints

Our StKilda Clinic Location


Dry Needling Treatment @ ChiroCure Clinic StKilda


Accredited practitioners

Our practitioners education in dry needling is Chiropractic Australia and Osteopathy Australia accredited. Chiropractors and Osteopaths alike, have extensive anatomical knowledge of the body and vast training in the management of neuromusculoskeletal problems, so they are well placed to deliver dry needle therapy.

​Patients should enquire during an appointment as to whether or not Dry Needling or Myotherapy would be an appropriate treatment for them. 

Our OsteopathsChiropractors, and Myotherapist’s who practice dry needling, have undergone appropriate postgraduate training beyond their chiropractic degree that allows them to perform dry needling.

Dry Needling Explained

  • Sterile, single use needles
  • Needle placement specific to condition or pain 
  • Gentle application to ensure minimal soreness
  • Deep muscle release

Since dry needling in our practice will be performed by a registered practitioners as part of a comprehensive musculoskeletal treatment program, treatments are eligible for rebates by private health funds with extras cover and benefits.

Find our StKilda Clinic



Are you working from home? Ergonomic Tips to maintain a healthy posture in your new workstation.

Starting to get restless and can’t sit still for more than 5 minutes?
Getting some back pain?

There may be many reasons why you answered the above questions with a resounding yes. Moving your workstation home can present many challenges. Whether it’s distractions from kids, Netflix or the need to get outside and exercise one thing that is within your control is your workstation.

With so many of us working from home now, making sure it is well maintained and ergonomically sound can make a huge difference to your spinal health.

First of all, what is Ergonomics? And why is it important?

Ergonomics is the assessment and adaptation of a person’s workspace, products and habits so it suits them specifically. The main components incorporated are your computer screen, keyboard, mouse and chair. ​It also incorporates the type of tasks and your workplace habits throughout your day.

Below are some great tips to help you assess and modify your home workplace setup and habits to decrease discomfort and improve posture:

  • Chair – Make sure your chair is not touching the desk, giving you freedom to move with clear leg space – Your feet flat on the floor or a raised foot rest if you can’t reach – Your legs at a 90-degree angle – Make sure it can be adjusted to an upright position, so you aren’t slouching 
  • Lumbar Support – If your chair doesn’t have one, use a small pillow to create the necessary curvature in your lower spine
  • Screen – Make sure your eyes are in line with the top edge of the screen. You can use household items like books or boxes to elevate it to the appropriate height. Outstretch your arm and make sure it is an arm’s length away from your body.
  • Eyes – Increase or decrease brightness to make sure there is no glare or strain on your eyes
  • Mouse – You want your arms at a 90 degree, with the ability to move the mouse with your elbow by your side
  • Keyboard – Similar to your mouse you want it to be roughly 5cm away from the edge of the desk. Make sure it is central with the screen so there is no need to twist your head or body to see the screen

Finally… Look after yourself and create some daily habits to follow

  • Have a break for 2 minutes every 20 minutes
  • Make sure to get outside ☀️ on these breaks and get your vitamin D for at least 15 minutes per day
  • Stay Hydrated💧 keep a water bottle at your workstation. Try to drink 2-3 litres per day

We are so thankful to our amazing Chiropractic team for offering patients this update.

We have a passion for injury rehabilitation, and our therapists aim to help you reach your health goals. 

Get in touch with us at the clinic on (03)90135133 to get on top of your workstation.  ​