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Treatment for Upper & Lower Cross Syndrome

Could your ‘desk posture’ be contributing to your lower back pain, neck pain or headaches? Chiropractic treatment can help!

Are you stuck behind a desk while slugging away at work all day long – five days a week?

If this sounds like you, there is a likely chance you might be suffering from what I like to call “desk posture”. Its typically characterised with your head projected anteriorly, your shoulders hunched forward, your hips feeling tight and your spine stooped over. Our ​chiropractors can assess and treat your spine to correct postural distortion causing your syndrome. 

Other than the obvious physical appearance, what does this mean?

Decades ago, Vladimir Janda, a pioneer in physical medicine and rehabilitation, described this as the “Upper Cross Syndrome” (UCS) and “Lower Cross Syndrome” (LCS).  While the body is amazingly robust and resilient, over time these postures can take a toll on the body. Problems may begin to arise involving the shoulder, neck, lower back, hips, knees and even the head and jaw joints.

Upper cross syndrome

In the UCS, your upper back muscles become increasingly tense due to the constant strain of having your shoulders forward and positioned anteriorly, while your chest & shoulder region becomes shortened or tightened due to this constantly held posture. 

Lower cross syndrome

In the LCS, your glutes have become underactive or weakened due to remaining in a sustained lengthened position. This is also often accompanied with a tight or stiff hip due to the prolonged shortening of the muscles crossing the hip joint. 
For a posture assessment or chiropractic spinal check appointment please contact ChiroCure Clinic on (03)90135133.

LGBTQ-friendly Chiropractic Clinic

We offer a supportive treatment environment for the LGBTQ Community

Our practitioners at ChiroCure Clinic have created a safe, supportive and judgement free space for everyone in the community to receive care.

We are respectful of all people and treat all people equally.
We offer chiropractic care, remedial  massage therapy and myotherapy services.


Do you suffer from sinus pain, common colds or headaches during winter?

Can you avoid sinus, headaches and colds this WINTER?      
Find out more from our massage therapists recommendations below…

A common cause of sinus pressure and pain is the common cold or allergies, causing what is known as sinusitis. Headaches are often present when a patient is experiencing sinusitis or when having a cold.

Remedial massage therapy treatment at ChiroCure Clinic in St Kilda East, aims to relieve stress on the nervous system and body structure.

in order to help the body work more efficiently and help ensure that the skull bones move freely. This will allow the body fluids to drain without interference, and in turn reduce the pressure in the face and head that may cause a headache or migraine.

Our treatment technique

treatment will generally include soft massage of the nose, forehead and cheeks, during your adjustment, to release the pressure on the sinus cavities and allow for free drainage of fluids.

Which type of headache do you have… and what may be the cause? 

Our therapists can asses and diagnose the cause of your headache in order to provide superior treatment and long term care.

Ask one of our practitioners next time you visit the clinic to assess you. ​


TBM Treatment at ChiroCure Clinic

TBM Chiropractic Treatment Techniques

Dr Leski’s chiropractic consultations will often include a component of TBM assessment and correction, which in effect ‘switches on the body’ to respond to the more advanced treatments, such as organ adjusting and parasympathetic (fight/fight) correction in future sessions.
For more information please contact us at ChiroCure Clinic on 90135133
To book an appointment visit www.chirocure.gettimely.com

Rib Misalignment & Chiropractic treatment

Did you know that all ribs in the chest can become misaligned?

Misalignment and unleveling can occur when a rib moves slightly backwards and inwards from the thoracic vertebra towards the spine.

The surrounding back muscles contract and tighten to protect the misalignment.

All of the rib attachments in our chest can become misaligned and cause varying types of pain.

Chiropractic treatment can help to realign the rib joints and relive pain symptoms. ​​

Symptoms of a rib misalignment include:

  • Difficulty or pain when breathing, sneezing, and coughing
  • Often causes a shooting pain around the front or side of the chest
  • May result in neck pain or headache
  • Can cause pain or numbness along the arm

Rib Misalignment is usually caused by:

  • Compression or trauma to the rib cage (i.e. squeezing or falling)
  • Injuries when hit from the side
  • Twisting injuries (usually a lifting and twisting movement)


Do you know of any young, developing children with HEAVY backpacks?

Using a heavy and incorrectly fitted backpack will force your spine to deteriorate

Some changes include:

  • Distortion to the natural curves, resulting in muscle strains (changes to lordotic and kyphotic curves)
  • Irritation to joints
  • Rounding of the shoulders 

Please speak to our chiropractors if you have any questions


Correct your posture with Chiropractic advice

Correct your posture while sitting!

Sitting posture

Correct sitting position & posture

  1. Sit up with your back straight and your shoulders back.
  2. All 3 normal back curves should be present while sitting. As one of our chiropractors more about this at your next appointment. 
  3. Distribute your body weight evenly on both hips.
  4. Bend your knees at a right angle.
  5. Keep your feet flat on the floor.

Our practitioners offer patients help and advice about how to better manage their pain and injury.

​We offer supplement advice with practitioner prescriptions, nutrition and dietary care, lifestyle advice, work station assessment and more.

For a work desk assessment please ask your chiropractor at your next appointment. ​




10   X 60 MIN Remedial Massage Pack – Save $50
5   X 45 MIN Dry Needling Treatment Pack – Save $25

ChiroCure Clinic : 278 Inkerman Street, StKilda East 3183
Phone: (03) 9013 5133  |  Email: chirocure@mail.com  |   Website: www.chirocure.net

Christmas Opening Hours 2018


Do you suffer from back pain?!

Back pain is very prevalent in Australia and 1 in 6 people suffer from it.  
​That is approximately 3.7 million people within our population are suffering from symptoms such as numbness, tingling, weakness and pain in the legs.

What’s more alarming is that many individuals who suffer from back pain, are often provided with incorrect treatment and advice or receive treatment that does not help to receive their symptoms or pain.
Once complications and serious other pathologies such as cancer, fracture, infections and arthritis are ruled out, physical therapy and alternative therapies including Chiropractic Care, Remedial Massage and Myotherapy have proven to be the most beneficial and least invasive approach to treat non-specific lower back pain and related symptoms. 

*research by Dr. Buchbinder, a professor and researched of clinical epidemiology at Monash University.

 Some less invasive treatment we offer to treat low back pain: