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IBS and Osteopathy Treatment

Irritable bowel syndrome and osteopathy treatment at chirocure clinic in StKilda and Dromana, Melbourne.

Have you ever had stomach pains after a discussion, after an important call or after an unexpected event?
How many times have you had diarrhoea before an exam, an interview or a particularly busy working day?

This condition is called IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), and it is much more common than you might think.

Symptoms are stomach aches, cramps, diarrhoea and/or constipation (often alternating), bloating and flatulence.

It is usually triggered by an increasingly common and present element in. all our lives, and which unfortunately can come in many forms: stress.

Stress is also responsible for low back pain, headaches, jaw pain and heartburn.

What can the osteopath do about it?
Osteopathic treatment is effective in relieving inflamed and pain-causing structures, particularly visceral treatment for IBS to contain pain and possibly regularise evacuation.

Furthermore, removing the causes of musculoskeletal and visceral pain allows the body to better absorb the stress loads that come with daily challenges.

The healthier and better prepared the body is, the easier it will be to maintain the benefits of the treatment and better cope with tomorrow.

What can you do?

Many things, including the most obvious, relax!

Find a hobby or an outlet to help you de-stress and distract yourself.
Yoga and Pilates are great for keeping fit, relaxing the body and de-stressing.

In addition, you can resort to some supplements such as magnesium to help relax your muscles, improve sleep quality and regulate the frequency with you go to the bathroom.


Breathing techniques to prevent back pain – our osteopath explains!

Breathing is possibly the most basic action of our existence, everyone can do it without even thinking, right? Well technically yes, but most of us do it ineffectively.

Let’s do a quick challenge: take a deep breath in.


Let me guess, you did it through your mouth, inflating as first thing your chest, lifting your collar bones and your shoulders almost to the jaw level.

This is the most common mistake everyone does and that can lead further in time to annoying neck pain, as you are using for most the neck muscles which are lifting a load they are not meant to: the rib cage with the organs inside and in case of women, the breast as well.

Fortunately, there is an exercise you can do to prevent this from happening.

– Lie down, with your feet slightly apart, one hand on your abdomen and the other hand on your chest.

– Gently exhale the air in your lungs through your mouth, then inhale slowly through your nose, pushing out your abdomen slightly and concentrating on your breath. “Listen” to your abdomen expanding. Once you think it cannot hold any more air, start expanding your chest as well.

– Slowly exhale through your mouth. Start emptying your abdomen at first and your chest after the abdomen empty. Gently contract your abdominal muscles to completely release the remaining air in the lungs.

– Repeat until for 4-5 cycles. You may be able to do only 1 or 2 cycles at first as you might feel buzzy and exhausted at the end, it’s perfectly normal.

– Once you feel comfortable with your ability to breathe into the abdomen, it is not necessary to use your hands on your abdomen and chest.

After a few days of exercising, you will find out that it’s becoming easier and easier, and you feel less tired when doing the exercise.

After a few weeks you will realize that you’ll have changed the pattern of breathing at unconscious level: you no longer to think about it, but your abdominal breathing will come in automatically.

You now breath in a way more effective way than a few weeks ago.


Treating tech-neck with chiropractic at chirocure clinic St Kilda Melbourne


These days technology is a big part of our lives and it’s likely to increasingly be that way.

During the rise in use of technology we are noticing increasing cases of neck pain which we refer to as ‘tech-neck’. Whether it’s spending time on the phone, computer or gaming Australians are are increasingly looking down at devices for extended periods of time causing postural strain on our necks.

There are simple strategies to help combat tech-neck. For example, making sure that you are at eye level with your screen will make it less likely that you will be in a slouching position with your head forward.

Here at ChiroCure Clinic, our experienced chiropractor’s can do a thorough assessment into your neck pain and use a variety of different treatments and advice to improve your tech-neck.

We are looking forward to helping you at ChiroCure Clinic in St Kilda Melbourne!