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Prepaid Massage Visit Pack Offers



10 X 60 MINUTE Remedial Massage Pack
Pay $85 per visit (normally $95)
Save $100

5 X 60 MINUTE Myotherapy & Dry Needling Pack
Pay $115 per visit (normally $125)
Save $50

5 X 60 MINUTE Remedial Massage Pack 
Pay $90 per visit (normally $95) 
Save $25 

massage savings package

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Beyond The Spine: Our Extremity Adjusting

Our chiropractors are also extremity adjusters!

At ChiroCure Clinic our chiropractors offer relief beyond the spine and neck, we can also manually adjust all the joints in your legs and arms!! This can help to relieve hip pain, ankle pain, shoulder pain, wrist pain, low back pain and all extremity dysfunction or pain symptoms. 

Our experienced extremity Chiropractors at ChiroCure Clinic can help with pain and joint tenderness by working with all of the following areas:

Feet and Ankles: Patients with a pronated, unnaturally rotated or collapsed foot arch will have a joint imbalance occurring in their tibia, femur, ankle joints and pelvis. Misalignment in any of the foot or ankle joints will often cause lumbar discomfort, chronic low back pain or pelvic weakness. 
Shoulders: Patients with rounded, flared or uneven shoulders will often have misalignments occurring in their rib joints, clavicle, sternum or shoulder. Misalignment in the shoulders can often be seen during a posture scan. Patients with shoulder dysfunction will often experience upper and middle back pain, headaches, low energy and stiffness. Consistent extremity adjustments in this area can provide quick and effective relief.
Hands and wrists: Patients with misalignment in their hands and wrist may experience joint swelling, tingling, numbness, shooting nerve pain or stiffness. Adjusting the bones in the hand or wrist can bring about instant relief.
Knees and elbows: Just like the hands and wrists, an adjustment in the elbows and knees can result in relief for acute pain, joint swelling, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, clicking, patella dysfunction and meniscus injury. 

Spinal adjustments and extremity manipulation help to restore the body’s natural functions.
Chiropractic can help with everything from poor posture to acute and chronic pain syndromes.
​Most patients report improved sleep, more energy, improved immune response and better overall health.


Posture Correcting Exercises

Exercises recommended by our Chiropractors

Here are some simple strategies our chiropractors recommend you can implement right now, whether at home or work for better health after your ChiroCure Clinic treatment.
Add these exercises and stretches to your daily routine, along with increasing your general activity and movement throughout the day to help your treatment result last longer.
​Please feel free to ask any of our practitioners to show you how to add these, and other condition specific exercises to your rehab routine at your next appointment.

chirocure pec stretsch

    1. Chest Wall Stretch

How to do it: Find yourself a doorway, bend your arm out to the side forming a 90 degree angle with your shoulder and elbow. With the same foot as the bent arm, step forward to create a stretch in the front of your shoulder/chest region. Hold for 30-40 seconds and repeat 3x per day on each side. Ensure body is relaxed. Keep breathing throughout the stretch.

 2. Triple Extension Isometrics (with resistant band)

Start by standing upright in the extended position. Keeping your arms long, neck relaxed and shoulder blades down towards your back pocket. Increase the tension from the band by stepping backwards until you find a challenging yet manageable level. Keep your chin tucked in to avoid the jaw from jutting forward. 
Hold for 60 seconds and perform 3-5 x per day. Keep breathing throughout. 

glut lift exercise chirocure

    3. Glute Hip Raise

Begin lying on your back with your feet bent up at hip-width apart. Begin by contracting your glutes first, raising your hips to the roof until a straight line is achieved from your knees, hips and shoulders. Return back to start position from there. Perform 12-15 repetitions 3 x per day. To get more out of the exercise, count 2 seconds as you raise your hips, hold for 2 seconds at the top and lower back down over 4 seconds.

 4. Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

Place one foot in front of you and one foot behind you, make sure that your hips are square and that your back foot is in line with your front foot. When in a stable position, attempt to tuck your pelvis under (posteriorly tilt your pelvis) and contract your glut muscles simultaneously (on the same side as the back knee). If this isn’t enough, keep your pelvis tucked under and slowly move your hip away from back foot.  
Hold the position for 30-40 seconds 3 x per day. Remain relaxed. The stretch may be uncomfortable but by no means painful.

Supplement recommendations this winter

Want an immunity booster this winter?

Why not try these probiotics….

  •  Practitioner dispense supplements are proven to better absorbed and more effective
  • Helps to maintain a healthy immune system daily
  • Great to help fight the common cold and keep you at your best during winter
  • Recommended by our professional chiropractors
  • Prescribed by our qualified practitioners

 To fridge or not to fridge that is the question????


Option 1 –
Ultra Flora Immune
Keep refrigerated


Option 2 –
Ultra Probioplex
​No cooling required  


Option 3-
Defence Eagle Support

Probiotic and immune defence (new formula)

No Refrigeration required


We are excited to introduce our our new Chiropractor – Dr Rachel Duncan

We would like to warmly welcome Dr Rachel  Duncan to the ChiroCure Clinic team.

Dr Rachel Duncan is passionate in providing a high standard of treatment and care to her patients.

Her passion comes from her understanding of human physiology and the natural and gentle application of functional Chiropractic techniques.

Dr Rachels goal is to ensure that individual patient needs are met through a holistic approach.

​As part of her ethos she delivers her treatments using a mixture of manual diversified adjusting, activator technique, pelvic blocking, soft tissue therapies and functional rehabilitation.

Dr Rachel Duncan’s Hours
Monday             12 pm – 9 pm
Thursday          12 pm – 9 pm
Sunday               9 am – 4 pm


We welcome our newest Chiropractor

ChiroCure Clinic would  like to warmly welcome Jake to the team!
​We are very excited to have you on board.

       Monday            8 am – 2 pm      
  Wednesday      8 am –  3 pm
    Friday                2 pm – 8 pm   
  Saturday           9 am –  5 pm

         Massage appointments with Dr Jake Muddle can be scheduled online @ www.chirocure.net/appointments


Treatment for Upper & Lower Cross Syndrome

Could your ‘desk posture’ be contributing to your lower back pain, neck pain or headaches? Chiropractic treatment can help!

Are you stuck behind a desk while slugging away at work all day long – five days a week?

If this sounds like you, there is a likely chance you might be suffering from what I like to call “desk posture”. Its typically characterised with your head projected anteriorly, your shoulders hunched forward, your hips feeling tight and your spine stooped over. Our ​chiropractors can assess and treat your spine to correct postural distortion causing your syndrome. 

Other than the obvious physical appearance, what does this mean?

Decades ago, Vladimir Janda, a pioneer in physical medicine and rehabilitation, described this as the “Upper Cross Syndrome” (UCS) and “Lower Cross Syndrome” (LCS).  While the body is amazingly robust and resilient, over time these postures can take a toll on the body. Problems may begin to arise involving the shoulder, neck, lower back, hips, knees and even the head and jaw joints.

Upper cross syndrome

In the UCS, your upper back muscles become increasingly tense due to the constant strain of having your shoulders forward and positioned anteriorly, while your chest & shoulder region becomes shortened or tightened due to this constantly held posture. 

Lower cross syndrome

In the LCS, your glutes have become underactive or weakened due to remaining in a sustained lengthened position. This is also often accompanied with a tight or stiff hip due to the prolonged shortening of the muscles crossing the hip joint. 
For a posture assessment or chiropractic spinal check appointment please contact ChiroCure Clinic on (03)90135133.

LGBTQ-friendly Chiropractic Clinic

We offer a supportive treatment environment for the LGBTQ Community

Our practitioners at ChiroCure Clinic have created a safe, supportive and judgement free space for everyone in the community to receive care.

We are respectful of all people and treat all people equally.
We offer chiropractic care, remedial  massage therapy and myotherapy services.


Do you suffer from sinus pain, common colds or headaches during winter?

Can you avoid sinus, headaches and colds this WINTER?      
Find out more from our massage therapists recommendations below…

A common cause of sinus pressure and pain is the common cold or allergies, causing what is known as sinusitis. Headaches are often present when a patient is experiencing sinusitis or when having a cold.

Remedial massage therapy treatment at ChiroCure Clinic in St Kilda East, aims to relieve stress on the nervous system and body structure.

in order to help the body work more efficiently and help ensure that the skull bones move freely. This will allow the body fluids to drain without interference, and in turn reduce the pressure in the face and head that may cause a headache or migraine.

Our treatment technique

treatment will generally include soft massage of the nose, forehead and cheeks, during your adjustment, to release the pressure on the sinus cavities and allow for free drainage of fluids.

Which type of headache do you have… and what may be the cause? 

Our therapists can asses and diagnose the cause of your headache in order to provide superior treatment and long term care.

Ask one of our practitioners next time you visit the clinic to assess you. ​


TBM Treatment at ChiroCure Clinic

TBM Chiropractic Treatment Techniques

Dr Leski’s chiropractic consultations will often include a component of TBM assessment and correction, which in effect ‘switches on the body’ to respond to the more advanced treatments, such as organ adjusting and parasympathetic (fight/fight) correction in future sessions.
For more information please contact us at ChiroCure Clinic on 90135133
To book an appointment visit www.chirocure.gettimely.com