Supplements for pain, the facts!
ChiroCure Supplements…Our top picks this month Our supplements of choice this month for pain aching in the body are:Proteolytic EnzymesProteolytic enzymes such as protease, papain, and bromelain help to break down and remove the by-products of inflammation. In this way, they assist the body’s natural healing process and may help to reduce pain and swelling.Glucosamine, […]
Remedial massage at ChiroCure
Remedial massage therapy is now available every Saturday at ChiroCure Clinic ChiroCure is excited to welcome Bruce, a qualified remedial massage therapist in joining our team. He will be available for 45minute and 60minute appointments, every Saturday from 9am – 5pm. Appointment Bookings can be made online at or by phoning the clinic on […]
Myotherapy and Massage Appointments at ChiroCure Clinic
OUR MASSAGE THERAPISTS SPECIALISE IN TREATING:✔️ back pain ✔️ headache ✔️sports injury ✔️ pregnancy pain ✔️ sciatica ✔️ nerve related conditions. ✔️ cranial pain ✔️ paediatric development ✔️ stress, anxiety, tension, energy ✔️ jaw pain, jaw stiffness ✔️ sinus, congestion, feeling of fullness in the face LET US HELP YOU WITH MASSAGE Are you in […]
Correct posture while sitting at a computer… ChiroCure Clinic can walk you through it!
Our backs were not designed to spend long periods of time sitting at desks, a common feature of many work environments in todays society. Spending six to eight hours a day in front of a computer can lead to shoulder, arm, hand and neck problems, as well as issues with balance and coordination. COMMON POSTURE PROBLEMS > Forward Head PostureThe most common […]
Specialised treatment relating to clinic research evidence
Chiropractic Fact: Chiropractic Treatment can help with your neck pain and dysfunction in just one visit. ChiroCure Clinic offers treatment therapies that can help reduce your pain, headache or migraine and any related symptoms. Please see the fact sheet attached below. Link is also listed. For more information please call our friendly staff at […]
How many weeks since your last adjustment?
chiropractic for ALL AGES at CHIROCURE CLINIC First Floor, 358 Glen Huntly Rd Elsterwick 3185 The best way to avoid problems in the future is to continue with treatment appointments at ChiroCure Clinic Elsternwick. Maintenance adjustments may help you to prevent reoccurring episodes of pain and spinal dysfunction, as well as assisting with home care […]
Incorrect Curvature – How Can ChiroCure Clinic help?
WHAT CAUSES INCORRECT SPINAL CURVES? Post whiplash Post head injury Stomach sleeping Poor sitting/working postures Congenital spinal curvatures Osteoporosis Degenerative cervical discs (a form of osteoarthritis that can either be the cause of or the result of a cervical kyphosis) Compression fracture of vertebral body Infection of the cervical spine Loss or Reversal of Neck […]
Treatment can help with headaches and migraine. Find out more at ChiroCure Clinic Elsternwick & StKilda
Chiropractic Treatment for neck pain and dysfunction.ChiroCure can help reduce your pain, headache and migraine related symptoms.Please see the fact sheet attached below. For more information please contact ChiroCure Clinic on 9013 5133.
Chiropractic treatment effects
My name is Tania, I am a chiropractor with five years of clinical experience and apply more than five of my advanced technique certifications within my practice including gentle manual adjusting, cranial techniques, mobilization, stretching, strengthening, activator and muscle real ease techniques. I am a dedicated health care professional, that is focused on offering each […]
Ultrasound treatment is available at ChiroCure Clinic with Dr Tania Leski
What is ultrasound treatment and what is it used for?? Ultrasound therapy is used to minimise muscle pain and movement dysfunction. Therapeutic ultrasound uses sound waves to deliver deep heat to the treated tissues. The treatments may help reduce stiffness, swelling, and pain, increase circulation, and promote pain-free movement. Ultrasound therapy may be used alone or […]
ChiroCure Clinic uses X-Rays to assess your spinal degeneration
Example of an X-ray analysis for a patient suffering low back pain Degenerative joint disease, “DJD”, is basically wear and tear on the spinal bones and soft tissues, like the spinal disc. Degenerative joint disease can also be called osteoarthritis, or arthritis of the spine. Many people are not aware that they have degenerative joint […]
ChiroCure offers chiropractic treatment for whiplash. Find the latest research article about a recent clinical study in the link below. Book appointments online at:
Click on the link below to access the latest reach article about how chiropractic care can help with whiplash injuries and post trauma symptoms. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS RESEARCH ARTICLE OR THE SPECIALISED TYPES OF TREATMENT THAT WE OFFER AT CHIROCURE PLEASE CALL US ON (03) 9013 5133. We also offer appointment Booking online with the […]
how does our nervous system work?
ChiroCure Childrens assessments For information about our assessment for infants and children please call us at chirocure in stkilda on 90135133
Vitamin D
Functions: Promoting bone mineralization; Absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food in the intestines, and reabsorption of calcium in the kidneys; Modulate neuromuscular and immune function and reduce inflammation. Sources: Self-synthesis via direct sunlight; Cod liver oil; Fatty fish species such as herring, catfish, salmon, cooked, mackerel, sardines, tuna, and eel; Egg yolk; Beef liver. […]
Chirocure treatments can help with incorrect curvature and associated spinal conditions including kyphosis and scoliosis
INCORRECT CURVATURE Changes in posture can cause signs such as a hump in the upper back and hip tilt in the lower back. Kyphosis is rounding of the upper back that may cause a visible hump, loss of height, and change in postural dynamics. There are many types of kyphosis, including Scheuermann’s kyphosis and kyphosis […]
Chiropractic maintenence care research by the world health organisation
Research and evidence into the science & effectiveness of chiropractic treatment The concept that chiropractic care is of value in maintaining health and preventing disease began with the work of Mr Palmer. See the research article stated below referenced below for more detail and findings (1) For more information please ask DR Tania Leski at ChiroCure Clinic. A report […]
Degenerative Joint Disease
Information for Chirocure patients Degenerative disc disease is a slow progressive breakdown in the structures that make up the disc. It can occur in all segments of the spine but most often in the mobile segments of the neck and back. The soft center of the disc (nucleus) loses its fluid content and is less […]
Promoting ChiroCure to the local community
ChiroCure Chiropractor Dr Tania Leski. – Chiropractor. Offering spinal care and health guidence to your local community. Please contact us and request to have your chiropractor come out to a local sporting club, school, or foundation for an educational presentation, health information session or postural assessment demonstration. Are you interested in achieving your full health […]
Dr Tania Leski’s recommendation for sleeping
Posture for sleeping.
Last week for November special at ChiroCure Clinic
Get your FREE chiropractic posture assessment with Dr Tania Leski.Today from 3pm – 6pm at GloHealth in Elsternwick Do you know what is happening with your body? Ask Dr Leski how chiropractic care can help you.