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Maintaining a Healthy Digestive System

Because we get all of our nutrients from our food and these nutrients are absorbed through our digestive tract, it is extremely important that we maintain a healthy digestive system! There is a common misconception that one strain of probiotic may be as effective as another in obtaining desired clinical outcomes. However, one strain behaves very different in the human body than another. In this blog entry I will be discussing the various types of probiotics that Metagenics has to offer and what results each type has been shown achieve.
When prescribing probiotics be sure that your healthcare professional is prescribing for a purpose, not just to make money! Whether it is due to poor diet, stress and lifestyle or medications (including oral contraceptives and antibiotics), it is important to ensure that the good bacteria in the gut is replenished to maintain a fully functioning digestive tract. Studies have shown that antibiotics continue to have a negative impact on the numbers and diversity of gut flora up to FOUR years after just a one week course. A probiotic such as Ultra Flora Restore would be most appropriate to restore healthy levels of gut bacteria.
The following strains have been shown to or may:
Ultra Flora Immune Enhance 
– Enhance healthy immune system functioning
– Reduce the duration and severity of colds
– Maintain healthy gastrointestinal immune function and support beneficial intestinal bacterial adherence

Ultra Flora Immune Control
– Maintain healthy immune system regulation
– Reduce occurrence of, allergy symptoms
– Decrease occurrence of eczema in infants and children

Ultra Flora LGG
– Reduce the incidence of eczema and food allergies in infants (when taken by mom in 3rd trimester and first 18 months of breastfeeding)
– Reduce frequency of diarrhea

Ultra Flora Restore
– Assist in restoration of healthy gut flora
– Ideal for use during and after ANTIBIOTIC therapy

Ultra Flora Dysbiosis
– Assist with the management of dysbiosis (is a term for a microbial imbalance)
– Relieve and reduce the frequency of diarrhea
– Reduce the risk of TRAVELLER’S DIARRHEA

– Assist with the management o medically diagnosed IBS
– Relieve bloating, intestinal pain and inflammation

Ultra Flora Digest
– Support healthy digestive function and beneficial gut bacteria
– Support healthy immunity
– A great tasting, rapidly dispensible source of fibre

After selecting and prescribing the correct probiotics, the gut needs to have a healthy terrain and the ingested probiotics need sufficient fuel. Providing sufficient fuel for the good bacteria to thrive can be ensured by recommending a diet with adequate fibre and prebiotics or by recommending a proven prebiotics such as Ultra Flora Digest. 


Chiropractic Care & Migraine


The International Headache Society classifies a headache as a migraine when:
(a) the pain can be classified by at least two of the following:

  • one sided
  • moderate to severe
  • throbbing
  • aggravated by movement

(b) there is at least one of the following associated symptoms:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • photophobia (sensitivity to light)
  • phonophobia (sensitivity to noise)
  • aura (visual disturbances such as bright zigzag lines, flashing lights, difficulty in focusing or blind spots lasting 20-45 minutes)

(c) the headache lasts for between 4 and 72 hours. 


 Triggers are many and varied, not the same for everyone and not necessarily the same for different attacks in the same person.  Identifying triggers may be complicated by the fact that it often takes a combination of triggers to set off a headache.
Dietary Triggers

  • missed, delayed or inadequate meals
  • caffeine (coffee and tea) withdrawal
  • certain wines, beers and spirits
  • chocolate, citrus fruits, aged cheeses and cultured products 
  • monosodium glutamate (MSG)
  • dehydration

Environmental Triggers

  • bright or flickering lights, bright sunlight
  • strong smells, e.g. perfume, gasoline, chemicals, smoke-filled rooms, various food odours
  • travel, travel-related stress, high altitude, flying
  • weather changes, changes in barometric pressure (likewise, decompression after deep-sea diving)
  • loud sounds
  • going to the movies
  • computers (overuse, incorrect use)

Hormonal Triggers
Hormonal fluctuations are implicated as a significant trigger for women as three times as many women suffer from migraine headaches as men, this difference being most apparent during the reproductive years. 

Hormonal triggers may be:

  • Climacteric (final menstrual period)
  • Menstruation (a UK study found 50% of women more likely to have migraine around menstruation)
  • Ovulation
  • Oral contraceptives
  • Pregnancy (may worsen for first few months but in two thirds of women improves in latter part)
  • Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
  • Menopause

Physical and Emotional Triggers

  • lack of sleep or oversleeping(even as little as half hour difference in routine, e.g. sleeping in on weekends)
  • illness such as a viral infection or a cold (if taken cold and migraine medication, remember that many cold remedies contain pain-killers)
  • back and neck pain, stiff and painful muscles, especially in scalp, jaw, neck, shoulders, and upper back
  • sudden, excessive or vigorous exercise (regular exercise can however prevent migraine, if migraine is triggered by a blow to the head a doctor should be consulted)
  • emotional triggers such as arguments, excitement, stress and muscle tension

Log Your Migraine Triggers with Migraine Buddy

Your Chiropractor & Your Migraine

If you are unsure about the cause or nature of your headache, need assistance in managing your migraines or if the pattern of your headaches change, it is important you con
sult your chiropractor.  Studies show that 50% of migraine sufferers have not been diagnosed.  Even if you have previously consulted a doctor and the prescribed treatment has not been successful it is worth going again.  Migraines can be managed, effective migraine management involves a partnership between you and your chiropractor.

Based on the theory that most diseases of the body are a result of a misalignment of the vertebral column with pressure on the adjacent nerves that may affect blood vessel and muscle function, chiropractic manual techniques purport to adjust the misalignment. Thus, providing relief from migraine headaches!

Remedial Massage Therapy can also reduce muscle tension throughout the body, thereby reducing headache.

Supplements & Migraine Health

Studies have shown no adverse effects associated with Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) therapy in any of the patients, and Co Q10 appears to be a good migraine preventative. The data suggests that coenzyme Q10 starts to work within 4 weeks of initiation of therapy, but usually takes 5 to 12 weeks to yield a greater than 50% reduction in days with migraine.

Is treatment safe during pregnancy??

Treatment can provided during all stages of pregnancy and after birth!

Not only can therapeutic treatment be helpful during pregnancy, but research has shown that it is also considered to be safe both during pregnancy and after birth…

The research (referenced below) explains the clinical effectiveness of both chiropractic and massage when assisting expecting mother to manage and treat their pain and stiffness during pregnancy and in preparation for labour. 

Both the clinical study and research in 2013 and 2016 explore that during pregnancy some significant hormonal and physical changes can evidently occur, causing of an affect on the function of the nervous system.(4)

Studies also found that the increase in body weight during pregnancy can often put additional or tremendous stress on the joints and muscles in the spine and pelvis, causing the body into a forced compensation, that often leading to a destabilisation.(5)

Massage can also be implement during labour and after birth to help with the relief and release of  tight and tender muscles in the low back, legs and feet.

Does it really help?

  • Studies has shown that approximately 84% of pregnant patients  that receive pre-natal care have some relief from their back pain.(3)
  • In addition, patients that have some form of therapeutic treatment during pregnancy reported that the duration of their labour time was on average about 31% shorter.
  • For women in the eighth month of pregnancy showing a breech position, a specific chiropractic method called the Webster’s Technique showed a 92% success rate in resolving the breech position**(4) (5)

Have a pregnancy spinal check?

Pregnancy spinal check

Book a spinal check today

Our Chiropractors can check and assess your posture at ChiroCure.
We are excited to help ensure that you have good spinal alignment and function during your pregnancy!!

Have a FREE spinal screening appointment

​​How can we support your health and function both during and after pregnancy…

  • Pain and discomfort, particularly in the low back and pelvis is very common during all stages of pregnancy. (1)
  • Chiropractic care is aimed at assisting your comfortability during your pregnancy and delivery.
  • ​Therapies focus on the stimulation of the nervous system, to facilitate reproductive organ function and support for both the mother and child throughout pregnancy and delivery.
  • Low back pain has often been described by our patients as an inevitable complication of pregnancy. 
  • Our chiropractors are passionate about helping you manage this type of pain and discomfort. 
  • Chiropractic care may assist in maintaining functioning in the spine and joints during pregnancy, as the integrity of the nervous system can be essential part of our health.

Referenced text and research:
1. Hickok D.E., Gordon D.C., Milberg J.A. The frequency of breech presentation by gestational age at birth: a large population-based study. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1992;166(3):851–852. [PubMed[Google Scholar]
2. Tunde-Byass M.O., Hannah M.E. Breech vaginal delivery at or near term. Semin Perinatol. 2003;27(1):34–45. [PubMed[Google Scholar]
3. Roberts C., Nassar N., Raynes-Greenow C. Update on the management of term breech deliveries in New South Wales, Australia. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2003;43(2):173. [PubMed[Google Scholar]
Breech repositioning unresponsive to Webster technique: coexistence of oligohydramnios. Christopher B. Roecker. J Chiropr Med. 2013 Jun; 12(2): 74–78.  doi: 10.1016/j.jcm.2013.06.003
5. Chiropractic Management of Pregnancy-Related Lumbopelvic Pain: A Case Study
Maria Bernard, Peter Tuchin
J Chiropr Med. 2016 Jun; 15(2): 129–133.  Published online 2016 May 25. 
doi: 10.1016/j.jcm.2016.04.003

What is immunity…? How does it affect out health?

What exactly is a healthy immune system?

  • Viruses and bacteria can affect people in different ways.
  • Symptoms develop when exposed to a virus or infection, depending upon the strength of ones immune system.
  • A strong and healthy immune system should be able to fend off most bacterial or viral intruders.
  • If you have a weakened defence system you may experience illness more often than those around you.
  • Some therapeutic treatments may help you to boost your immune function to help prevent reoccurring illness or injury.​​

Products available at chirocure clinic

Heat and Cold Therapy

Prescribed Therapeutic Gels, Cremes, Balms & Anti-inflammatories

Practitioner Prescribed Supplements & Natural Therapies

How can treatment help boost your immunity?

  • The nervous system controls and regulates organs, tissues and cell functions in your body.
  • Spinal pain can interfere with nervous system function and nerve supply. 
  • Unleveling and misalignment may affect the bodies immune system longterm if left unassisted.
  • When the immune system is free of nerve interference, the body often functions more optimally.
  • All therapeutic treatments at ChiroCure Clinic StKilda aim to help boost your immune system.

For additional information please ask one of our practitioners, or request to talk to our principle chiropractor Dr Tania Leski.

We are excited to offer all patients a personalised rehab and home care plan to help improve boost your immune and function.

What do our Chiropractors say…

Our practitioners have reported that on many occasions while in clinical practice, they have they have experienced that their patients have reported to them that when they have more regular treatments, they feel they experience less severe cold like symptoms during winter, as apposed to when they do not have any treatment for a prolonged period. 

Clinic Location in Melbourne


                   Start 2017 Off Right!

New Year’s Resolutions for Chronic Pain Relief

1. Walk at least 3 or 4 times a week.

Regular low impact aerobic exercise is thought to:

  • reduce inflammation
  • strengthen your muscles
  • provide healing by sending oxygen-rich blood to the painful area

Invest in the right pair of walking shoes. Ask your chiropractor about proper footwear and get your gate assessed today.

Build walking into your daily schedule. Walk to the train, go for a walk on your break, or take the family for a walk after dinner! 

If walking is too jarring on your spine, consider walking on a treadmill, which has a more padded, forgiving surface and will be less jarring on your spine. If a treadmill is still too harsh, consider walking in a warm pool—the water will support most of your body weight and take pressure off your spine. Depending on your individual level of fitness, you may want to start out walking only a few minutes at a time, and gradually—over a period of several weeks and maybe even months—try to walk for at least 30 minutes at least 3 or 4 times each week. 

2. Kick electronics out of the bedroom.

Studies have shown as many as 66 percent of individuals with chronic back pain are also living with sleep disorders. One bad habit that’s contributing to poor sleep for many people is using electronics like a smartphone, laptop, tablet, or TV while in bed. It’s all too easy to get distracted and stay up too late when you should be preparing to fall asleep.

This is part of observing good sleep hygiene—a routine or series of habits engaged in before bed each night. Other sleep hygiene habits may include regulating the time you go to bed and wake up, taking a hot bath before bed every night, blocking out noise with a fan or sound machine, or what the lighting and temperature are in your room each night. 

  • If you haven’t fallen asleep after 30 minutes, get out of bed and do something else. Waiting in bed to fall asleep may boost your stress levels, making achieving sleep even more difficult. 
  • Consider taking a natural, over-the-counter sleep aid, such as Thompson’s Sleep Support. Ask your chiropractor about natural sleep aids today!
3. Stand up every hour.
Sitting less is key to improving back health; one study found that just 66 fewer minutes sitting each day significantly reduces back and neck pain while also improving your mood. Having a lengthy commute and a desk job doesn’t have to mean sitting all day. Try the following:

  • Use a laptop stand or standing desk at work as opposed to a traditional desk. The discs of your lower spine are compressed up to 3 times as much while sitting, so standing at work can relieve pressure on the spine.
  • Get up every hour, even if just to get a drink of water. In addition to breaking up the day, this habit will keep blood flow to the muscles in your back more active. 
  • Give up your seat on the train to someone else. While standing on public transit may not be ideal, it can be good for your back after sitting for most of the day. 
  • Don’t head straight to the couch or recliner when you get home. Take a short walk before you settle in for the evening, and get up frequently while you’re watching TV. 

Book an appointment with one of our highly trained chiropractors to get your body assessed today!


Treatment for kids

Chiropractic and Massage for children

ChiroCure Clinic offers gentle and low force treatment therapies to help children that are experiencing symptoms of pain.

​​Our paediatric program can help children of all ages, as it is very gentle, relaxing, and aims to alleviate symptoms.

ChiroCure Xmas Hours for 2016

Keep your Back Happy This Holiday Season
Christmas Hours As Follows:
Dec 24 – CLOSED
Dec 25 – CLOSED
Dec 26 – CLOSED

Reopen Dec 27 – 31

Jan 1 – CLOSED
Jan 2 – CLOSED

What is the importance of looking after your posture this festive season??
The Chiropractic Association of Australia has recently revealed that the summer holiday season is increasingly becoming a peak season for postural wear and tear!

Dr Tania Leski and Dr Jessica Bravo have compiled a list of the top travel tips to help you ‘keep your back happy’ as you enjoy your holiday.

1. Take regular stretch breaks at least every one to two hours.
2. While sitting, use back support, such as a small, rolled towel. Alternate behind the back and between the shoulders.
3. Make your seat upright, placing your tailbone as far back into the seat aspossible, andshoulders and head supported by the seat.
4. While flying, sit on the aisle seat where possible, making it easier to regularly stretch and walk during the flight.
5. Be careful while lifting and carrying luggage. Bend with your knees, not your back. Retrieving baggage off the carousel can be particularly risky, often involving rapid twisting.
6. When sleeping in a strange bed, sleep on your back or side where possible andavoid sleeping on your stomach.
7. Compensate for dips in the mattress by placing a small, soft towel under your side.
8. If the bed is ‘saggy’, consider putting the mattress on the floor.
9. Use a ceiling fan instead of air-conditioning, where possible, to avoid cold b lasts of air on your neck or back..
As we get set to take a break, Remember to schedule your Chiropractic Care maintainence visits around your holidays.

Stress and the body

Chiropractic care and remedial massage therapy at chirocure can help to manage stress causing pain in the body.
Our chiropractors work primarily with the spine, the root of the nervous system through which nerve impulses travel from the brain to the rest of the body.

One effect of chronic stress is prolonged muscle tension and contraction.

This muscle tension creates uneven pressures on the bony structures of the body, often leading the misalignment of the spinal column, joints and ligaments.

Chronic stress also leads to nerve irritation.

ChiroCure chiropractic adjustments help to release muscle tension, and enables body return to a more balanced, relaxed state.

Adjustments by our chiropractors also reduce spinal nerve irritation, and improve blood circulation.

These changes may be enough, in many cases, to convince the brain to turn off the fight or flight response, beginning the process of healing.

A healthy and balanced spine is one key to effectively managing stress.


Protect Your Back Whilst Mowing the Lawn


Chiropractic care at ChiroCure Clinic can help!

Just like any strenuous task which isn’t done on a regular basis, mowing the lawn and gardening can lead to tired and aching muscles in the back. Most of these injuries are due to the posture adopted by most while performing these tasks. Standing or walking in a semi-flexed posture while pushing a heavy mower places huge stress on the low back. Muscles can become tired quickly and ache, leading to pain, which can feel like an intense throbbing.
How to Prevent Back Strain When Mowing
 – Keep your back as straight as possible
 – Shorter pushes are better than longer ones – which take you out of a neutral position and can put your back at risk
 – Keep the wrists straight  

Gardening tasks do involve a lot of stretching and lifting. They place abnormal loads on the small joints of the spine – the facet joints, which can become stiff and irritated, giving rise to a diffuse dull ache in the low back, with associated muscle tightness. This is easily treatable with chiropractic manipulation and massage from a qualified therapist.
 How Back Injuries Can Occur When Mowing the Lawn
When working in a semi-flexed posture, the intervertebral discs are compressed and forced backwards towards the nerves in the spinal column. If there is a weakness in one of these discs, it may bulge, and swell, potentially trapping a nerve which will give rise to sharp pain in the buttock, thigh and possibly into the foot.

Lifting a mower and moving it around can also lead to shoulder and upper limb problems. An impingement syndrome may occur which is described as a sharp pain on lifting the arm in the shoulder socket, as inflamed tendons become trapped. This should not be left untreated, and if you experience this problem, seek help from one of our chiropractors.


Chiropractic care at ChiroCure Clinic can help!

Emptying the Grass Box!
For a simple task that can prove hazardous on your back if you do not lift correctly – safer lifting tips:
 – Use your leg muscles, instead of the back muscles 
 – Make sure you have enough space for movement – remove any obstacles in your path 
 – Keep your weight balanced with your feet apart. 
 – Bend your knees and keep your back straight but not vertical. 
 – Tuck your chin close to your chest 
 – Grasp the box keeping your arms and elbows close to your body whilst lifting. 
 – Lift the box by straightening your legs 
 – To shift direction move your feet and move the whole body 
 – Carry the box close to your body – do not twist your body whilst carrying 
 – To lower and empty the box – do not stoop 
After all Your Hard Work
If you are feeling tired and ache, a remedial massage with aromatherapy to relax and revitalise you, will help you feel ready to tackle more jobs in the garden or elsewhere.
The simplest tip of all is to not overdo it!

If you are suffering back pain one of our chiropractors will be happy to help!



We will be open over the Easter long weekend! For further information about our opening hours from Friday 2nd of April to Monday the 5th of April, check below…

Good Friday 2nd April: 9am – 2pm

Saturday 3rd April: 8am- 5pm

Easter Sunday: 9am-5pm

Easter Monday: 9am- 9pm
We hope everyone has a safe and happy Easter!

​​To make a booking call us on 9013 5133,
OR book online!