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Neck and back pain and how Osteopathy treatment can help.

Why do I have neck and back pain?? 
And how can osteopathy help with this…

Have you ever wondered why you have a sore neck or back, when you never do any big extreme movements, or that you never remember an event that started it.
Neck and back pain can arise from a variety of conditions. 

​These include and are not limited to; stress, sleep quality and position, daily pattern, as well as desk or general day-to-day ergonomics.  All these and many more can bring on pain that can cause disruption in your daily activities.
Neck and back pain can be acute and chronic.  It can cause stiffness and a loss in range of movement.  Can also travel up the neck and cause headaches.  Or refer down into the back or shoulder and cause discomfort there as well.

Our range of treatment options can give us a variety of different ways to tackle your problem. 

Call us on 9013 5133 if would like us to take a look at your issue. Or feel free to book online @ www.chirocure.net


Tuesday Treatments

Tuesday Treatments!

Our patients ticking treatment off their to-do list!

Additional benefits of our care:

  • Decreased pain
  • Improved range of motion
  • Improved breathing
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Decreased inflammation
  • Improved posture, and much more 

Melbourne Snap Lockdown 15/7/21

Melbourne Snap Lockdown 15/7/21

In line with the government restrictions for the next 5 days, ChiroCure Clinic is classed as essential care. 

Therefore all chiropractic and osteopathic treatments are still allowed to go ahead for essential care treatments.

Our usual opening hours apply going forward.

Please ring our clinic on 9013 5133 if you have any questions or queries


We are opening in Mornington!

Grand opening – Mornington Clinic

We would like to announce that our Mornington Clinic has finally opened!

We are currently offering chiropractic, massage and myotherapy services!
Our opening hours:
Monday:        9am – 6pm
Tuesday:        9am – 6pm
Wednesday:  9am – 6pm
Thursday:      9am – 1pm
Saturday:       9am – 3pm
Sunday:         9am – 3pm
We hope to see you soon for all your aches and pains
The ChiroCure Clinic Team


Chirocure clinic Mornington   
86 Tanti Ave Mornington 3931
Phone: (03)  9013 5133


Trigger point release technique with chiropractic treatment

Trigger point release

Dr. Emily in action treating glute spasms and muscle tightness

Did you know our gluteal muscles are up made of 3?

  • Gluteus maximus
  • Gluteus medius
  • Gluteus minimus

As a group they are one of the most dominantly used muscles in our body which is why they can get tight easily, or if they aren’t working the way they should be, it can lead to low back pain!

If you are experiencing low back and glute pain come in for an assessment and treatment by booking online @chirocure.net or give us a call on 9013 5133



Why is recovery so important?

  • Allows for better performance and improves bodily functions
  • Decreases risk of injury
  • Gives the chance for your body to repair
  • Prevents fatigue and promotes better energy levels

Ways we can help you recover and what we offer:

  • Supplementation of minerals and vitamins to assist with energy, reduce inflammation, enhanced immunity and well- being, etc
  • Foam roller and spikey ball manuals for muscle recovery
  • Memory foam pillows to enhance sleep quality
  • Heat packs
  • Remedial and deep tissue massage, 
  • And much more

Still have questions? 
Book online or call us on 9013 5133


Osteopathy & Sporting Injuries

Ever wondered how osteopathy can help and aid with the recovery of sporting injuries?

It is osteopathic belief that the body can heal itself.  So this is where we stand in; to assist the body in recover.  Never dictate it
Due to the wide range of treatment options osteopaths have at their disposal and the knowledge they have, they can help in all stages of rehabilitation.  From initial stage of injury, all the way to returning to sport and behind.
Our wide range of treatments can help improve

  • Muscle tonicity
  • Reduction on swelling
  • And increase in general range of movement
  • Re-strengthening muscles
  • Improved mobility and stability
  • Fixing any area that may of overcompensated during the injury process

So come in and have a chat with our passionate osteopaths and see what they can do to help your injury and help you return to the sport you love.


Massage & Myotherapy is back in Stkilda & Mornington clinics!

We are OPEN again after the most recent lockdown!

Our Massage & Myotherapy services are back!
We are available 7 days a week.

Appointments are available:
Monday – Friday 8am – 9pm
Saturday & Sunday 9am – 5pm

Book your appointment instantly online @chirocure.net/book now

Have you used all of your private health insurance rebate for the year??

So make sure you come in and claim all of your cover before it disappears!!

Massage & Myotherapy Techniques Explained….


ChiroCure Clinic Services Updated & Explained

ChiroCure Clinic Services Updated & Explained

Our services: 
Chiropractic, osteopathy, remedial massage therapy, pregnancy care, dry needling, myotherapy, paediatric care, thai massage, relaxation massage, deep tissue massage, kinesiology, TMB, sports massage, rehabilitation, and more! 

Book appointments instantly online

We work together in a multi modal setting ensuring you get the most out of your experience here at our ChiroCure Clinic practice locations!

If you have any questions, feel free to pop in or give us a call on 9013 5133 


What is chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a form of health care that focuses on the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, and general health. Treatment is appropriate for infants, children and adults, and also during all stages of pregnancy.
Our qualified practitioners incorporate a mixture of manipulation, mobilisation, soft tissue techniques, rehabilitation programs and nutritional advice, to treat and prevent mechanical disorders, pain and discomfort, and much more! 

What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a form of healthcare that focuses on muscular dysfunction, and spinal conditions relating to sport, injury and pain.
Our practitioners offer treatment techniques including manipulation, soft tissue therapy, mobilisation, deep tissue release, rehabilitation programs, injury management, preventative care. 

What is Massage Therapy?
Massage therapy is a treatment aimed at releasing tight and tender areas in the body. Therapy encourages relaxation, healing, reduced inflammation, and improved body function. 
Treatment options include remedial, deep tissue, myotherapy, thai, shiatsu, oncology, pregnancy, 


osteopathy & chiropractic for degenerative conditions

​osteopathy & chiropractic for degenerative conditions

What is Degenerating Discs?

What are the stages of degenerative disc disease?
Degenerative disc disease can be categorised by 4 stages.
Stage 1 is the least severe and stage 4 is the most severe.

Causes & ​risk factors for degenerative disc disease

The risk factors that may pre-dispose you to degenerative disc disease are:

• Advanced age
• Prior herniated disc or spinal injury
• Job that requires strenuous physical work, prologed sitting
• Lack of exercise
• Obesity
• Inherited genes
• Smoking
• Poor posture

Stages of degeneration

Stage 1: In the 1st stage, the spine may loose its normal balance or arch, affecting the posture and inducing stress to the nerves and accelerated ageing process.
You are not likely to feel any pain in this stage but you might experience a sense of discomfort. You may also feel sluggish or experience changes in your posture to compensate for the slight degeneration of the discs.

Stage 2: In this stage, you may witness increased postural changes as the degeneration is greater. It has been projected that by age 40, about 78% of men and women exhibit moderate disc degeneration. During this phase, a person is much more likely to feel intermittent aches and pains as well as tiredness. Unfortunately, many people consider that the reduced energy and aches and pains are normal and not a sign of degenerative disc disease.

Stage 3: Further postural changes occur in this stage. This is also associated with additional damage to the spine due to the possibility of severe nerve compression. Bone spurs may form and compress the nerves, leading to radiating pain and increased feeling of tiredness and exhaustion

Stage 4: In the end stage or in advanced degenerative disc disease, the intervertebral disc degenerates and the disc space collapses resulting in herniation of the inner disc material through the disc wall. MRI or a CT scan may also reveal visible changes in the bony portion of the neighboring vertebrae. The pressure of the herniated disc on the nerves leads to pain and neurological symptoms. The symptoms of advanced degenerative disc disease depend largely on which spinal level the pathology occurs and the amount of herniation or stenosis involved.