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Should we be sitting or standing at work to prevent back pain?

Have you ever stopped to think about how many hours per day we spend sit at our desks and how our body reacts to it?

Sitting for several hours in a row generally leads us to slump in the chair with the result of compressing the spine and stretching the supporting spinal muscles.

Low back and neck pain can onset because of this reason, and if preexisting, could be aggravated.

Nowadays is very common to hear about standing desks, are they worth it? Should I sit or stand while working?

The answer stands in the middle, as variability is the way to go.
The aim is to not maintain for too long the same position: standing avoids slumping and compressing the spine but gets tiring on leg muscles; sitting gives us the chance to rest and reload those muscles.
By alternating, the muscles throughout your body evenly take the load.

Standing, asides improving your back and neck pain, may also improve your cardiovascular health and blood flow, allowing you to think more clearly and it keeps you alert.

How long should I be standing or sitting?

Ideally a range between 2 and 4 hours before changing position again would be the go to, especially at the beginning since could be hard standing for 4 hours without some sort of training. Going forward, it should become much easier.

If you want to start exploring the standing desk at work, then you should probably also check your footwear and considering what you will be standing on for a few hours.

If the flooring is too hard, using rubber matting where you stand could be a good advice as it allows you to have a more comfortable time when standing.


Backpack advise for kids going to school

Why is it so important for backpacks to be worn correctly when going to school?

Poorly fitting back or overloaded backpacks can lead to sore shoulders and sore back as a result of overloaded and fatigued muscles.

Constant overloading to the spine can cause strain on muscles, ligaments and the spine. This increases your child’s likelihood of experiencing back pain as an adult.

Backpacks that are not worn correctly can cause alterations to a child’s posture and/or gait. Poor posture and gait can lead to other musculoskeletal conditions that affect the extremities in particular the hips and the knees and other levels of the spine.

Some of these conditions include tendinopathies, excessive pronation and tension type headaches. These can all cause interference in a child’s active lifestyle. On some occasions these conditions may mean a child has to miss out on playing sports because they are in too much pain.

Prevention is the best form of treatment in cases of back pain. Below are a few tips on how to protect your child’s spine and reduce the likelihood of back pain.

How should a backpack be worn?

– Use both of the shoulder straps

– Ensure the backpack sits close to your body by tightening the straps.

– Ensure the backpack sits in the middle of the back and doesn’t sag down to the buttock area.

– Load the heaviest items close to your back.

– Don’t load the back pack up over 10-20% past the child’s weight.

If you have concerns that your backpack is the cause of your child’s back pain book online for an assessment with our chiropractors today.


How to get out of bed safely without back pain

7.00 am, alarm rings, it’s time to wake up to get to working place.
Lazily you open your eyes, you are looking at the ceiling, you snort because you would like to do a couple more hours in dreamland, you gather all the willpower in your body, you make to get up like every other morning, SNAP!

Something in your lower back has just popped and the noise does not bode well.

It takes a few seconds, and you realise that your omens were correct, a twinge in your lower back and tingling down your leg start to get more and more uncomfortable.

You finally get up and wow, you can barely walk straight, the pain is excruciating, even just the idea of having to bend over to slip on your socks and shoes to leave the house is terrifying.

It can’t go on like this, today is a sick-day, you hope tomorrow will be better, you take an anti-inflammatory, and get back into bed, trying to remain as still as possible. AH! If only there had been a way to prevent this from happening….

Yes! There are many small gestures in our daily lives that we do that unknowingly predispose us to developing pain situations that we would gladly do without.

One of these is for example how we get out of bed.

Many people while getting out of bed ‘crunch’. As they do so, they sink into the mattress and to maintain balance, they concentrate all the weight of their body on the pelvis and activating the core and loading pressure on the discs.

Why instead not trying this way?

Turn on one side, wait a few seconds, slide the legs off the bed and while doing so help with the arms to raise the torso, wait a few seconds again and finally stand up.

This is one of the small things that can help us preserve our spine and maintain our health.


Our Chiropractor busts the myth about arthritis and running!

For many years the health industry has believed that long periods of running or running frequently will cause arthritis. However, the British Journal of Sports Medicine released a journal article stating “recreational running does not have a negative impact of the articular cartilage in runners.”

So what does cause arthritis?

Arthritis is most commonly caused by poor biomechanics and previous injury. You may be reading this and wondering what does poor biomechanics mean?

Well the answer to that is simple, poor biomechanics is improper loading of a joint, muscle, ligament or tendon. Improper loading is usually the result of weak muscles or poor posture.

A good example of poor biomechanics is excessive pronation, commonly known as flat feet. Flat feet occur when the muscles that form the arch of the foot are weak and allow the arch of the foot to collapse as weight is placed on the foot.

Over time as a joint is loaded improperly it can lead to arthritis. However, this is easily fixed through chiropractic assessment and management.

There are many different variations of poor biomechanics that chiropractors have been trained to assess. Chiropractors are qualified in providing advice and treatment for symptoms that arise as a result of poor biomechanics.

Chiropractic treatment can aid in the alleviating the symptoms of poor biomechanics and may aid in preventing the onset and progression of arthritis.


We welcome to our chiropractic team!

Dr Meg is our new associate chiropractor here at ChiroCure. She is a graduate of RMIT, where she graduated with Distinction. Dr Meg is passionate about sports and rehab chiropractic management. She enjoys an active lifestyle, in her spare time she enjoys running, hiking, kayaking and swimming. She enjoys dealing with injury prevention and rehab post injury.

During her time at Uni she was a graduate of the RMIT sports academy, which focused on the management, and treatment of many different types of sporting injuries. During her time at the sports academy there was a focus on the concept of prehab or pre-rehab.

This encompassed functional movement assessment to highlight any weak or poorly functioning muscles. This type of assessment is effective in identifying structures that may become injured if there is no strengthening of these structures.

This type of assessment is useful for those who are entering into pre-season or those returning to sports after a break. If you would like to book an appointment with Dr Meg you can book online or you can give us a call.

Assessments are also available to those who have experience an injury and would like a customised rehab to compliment their chiropractic treatment.

Dr Meg also enjoys treating postural related pain (i.e. low back pain, neck pain, etc.), headaches, disc bulges, and extremity issues. She uses evidence base approaches to care and provides tailored treatments to suit the needs of the patients.


What is Fascia and why is it so important when having a Massage?

Fascia is the connective tissue that links our entire body together. Fascia wraps around our organs,
muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons and even cells. Lack of mobility in the fascia eventually can lead
to chronic pain, chronic postural imbalances, tightness, stiffness and postural dysfunctions.

Fascia not only holds muscles together and keeps them in the correct places, it also separates each
muscle so the muscle can perform its individual task. When the fascia is tight, our muscles cannot
perform their movement tasks correctly.

Fascia can be felt 6x more than muscles. So often when you are feeling tight or sore while stretching,
you are feeling your fascia.

Myofascial release and cupping is used to relieve the tension built up in our fascia system by
breaking up lesions, increasing fascial mobility, increase blood supply, toxin release that builds up
and decrease general stiffness and pain.

TIP: Water is extremely important in keeping the fascia healthy. Without the correct water intake
daily, our fascia can become stiff and locked up. Drink 2-3L water daily to maintain mobility and


What is Myotherapy and how can it help me with pain?

Our Myotherapist uses a wide range of techniques to treat muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints.
Techniques involve Dry needling, Cupping, Deep tissue release, Myofascial release, TENs stimulation
(Electrotherapy), Joint mobilisation and more.

These techniques are used to treat conditions such as Neck pain, Back pain, Hip pain, Shoulder pain,
Sciatic pain, TMJ (Jaw pain), Tendonitis, Headaches and migraines, Muscle aches, muscle stiffness,
joint aches and sports & muscular injuries.

Whether you have been experience Acute pain (under 3 months) or Chronic pain (pain or injury
lasting longer than 3 months), Myotherapy can help get you back to living pain free and feeling like
your old energetic self.

With the right treatment plan, strength and conditioning plan, you will be
amazed at how quickly your body can bounce back, begin healing and allow you to feel your best.

Remember, healing is a journey, not a destination.
Stay well!


The benefits of physical activity and treatment

Benefits of Physical Activity

​Now the sun has come out and lockdown is over, it’s time to celebrate!!  And what better motivations do you need to get out and get your fitness goals ticked off, then this beautiful sun and warmth.
Physical activity and fitness have a wide range of benefits to the human body.
With the recommended amount of 20-40 minutes a day for an adult the benefits can include;

  • Reduce the chances of type 2 diabetes or other cardiovascular diseases
  • Reduce the risk of some cancers
  • Help reduce weight loss and help keep it at a healthy range
  • Help build muscle and bone strength
  • Help reduce stress and help improve mental wellbeing
  • Create potential social opportunities
  • Improve general physical wellbeing

Activities can be a wide range of things.  Can be as intensive as a run or playing sport.  Do as gentle as walking, doing house chores or going for a swim.
Any activity is better than none, so now is the time to get out and enjoy our freedom.
​Get back into it pain free and Book online or call 9013 5133


Neck and back pain and how Osteopathy treatment can help.

Why do I have neck and back pain?? 
And how can osteopathy help with this…

Have you ever wondered why you have a sore neck or back, when you never do any big extreme movements, or that you never remember an event that started it.
Neck and back pain can arise from a variety of conditions. 

​These include and are not limited to; stress, sleep quality and position, daily pattern, as well as desk or general day-to-day ergonomics.  All these and many more can bring on pain that can cause disruption in your daily activities.
Neck and back pain can be acute and chronic.  It can cause stiffness and a loss in range of movement.  Can also travel up the neck and cause headaches.  Or refer down into the back or shoulder and cause discomfort there as well.

Our range of treatment options can give us a variety of different ways to tackle your problem. 

Call us on 9013 5133 if would like us to take a look at your issue. Or feel free to book online @ www.chirocure.net


Tuesday Treatments

Tuesday Treatments!

Our patients ticking treatment off their to-do list!

Additional benefits of our care:

  • Decreased pain
  • Improved range of motion
  • Improved breathing
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Decreased inflammation
  • Improved posture, and much more