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Do you suffer from back pain?!

Back pain is very prevalent in Australia and 1 in 6 people suffer from it.  
​That is approximately 3.7 million people within our population are suffering from symptoms such as numbness, tingling, weakness and pain in the legs.

What’s more alarming is that many individuals who suffer from back pain, are often provided with incorrect treatment and advice or receive treatment that does not help to receive their symptoms or pain.
Once complications and serious other pathologies such as cancer, fracture, infections and arthritis are ruled out, physical therapy and alternative therapies including Chiropractic Care, Remedial Massage and Myotherapy have proven to be the most beneficial and least invasive approach to treat non-specific lower back pain and related symptoms. 

*research by Dr. Buchbinder, a professor and researched of clinical epidemiology at Monash University.

 Some less invasive treatment we offer to treat low back pain:


Functional Muscle Assessments are now available at ChiroCure Clinic

What is Functional movement screening?
A functional movement screening (FMS) is an appointment that involves using a  pre-participation screening tool, that is designed to identify compensatory movement patterns, that are indicative of increased injury risk and inefficient movement that causes reduced performance.

What are the functional movement screen tests?
The FMS helps identify muscle asymmetries, tightness, weakness and other risk factors for injury by examining the mobility and stability of the hips, core, shoulders, knees, spine and ankles.

The FMS consists of 7 movements

  • Deep Squat
  • Hurdle Step
  • Inline Lunge
  • Shoulder mobility
  • Rotary stability
  • Trunk stability Push ups
  • Straight leg raise

The scoring

  • Each movement is scored from 0-3 – This provides clear information on the client’s functional limitations and thus risk of injury.
  • Score will form the direction and pathway for corrective exercise programming or functional re-training.

Its role is to pinpoint areas of movement pattern limitation and asymmetry.

4X4 Matrix Posture assessment areas:

  • Supine/prone
  • Quadruped
  • Kneeling
  • Standing

Our practitioners will use a 4 by 4 matrix to try and fix the problems that have been shown in the FMS test.

Joint by Joint theory.
Our practitioners are trained to use Joint by joint theory to try and fix the pain and dysfunction. They can also perform a gait analysis to assess and improve your weight bearing and posture whilst walking and moving.

Our remedial therapists will apply kinesiology tape to areas that are prone to injuries and to offer also posture corrective support for the core muscles and surrounding ligaments and joints. Our therapists are also trained to use ridged tape for specific muscle groups to encourage stability and support.


Practitioner Roster

Below is our most up to date practitioner roster

If you would like to find out when your favourite therapist is working next, please look up shifts on our roster below. 

To book an appointment, please call us at the clinic on (03)90135133

We would like to welcome back Dr. Tania Leski from her break that concluded in early August!

​Please contact ChiroCure Clinic if you think quality health care can benefit you!
Please refer to the updated staff schedule for your convenience.


Spinal Health Screening & Computerised Posture Assessments

Computerised Spinal Screening with
Posture Assessment & Report

By ChiroCure Clinic Chiropractors


A spinal screen will assess your spine for:

  • A spinal screen will assess your spine for:
  • Vertebral, spinal and extremity misalignment.
  • Posture abnormalities
  • History of accidents or trauma
  • Repetitive strain injury
  • Poor sleeping posture
  • Poor ergonomics can cause spinal bones to degenerate. 
  • Other body signals may warrant further investigation.

We all want a healthy, long and pain free easy life. To achieve this we try to take good care of our health, well-being, and body.  The key to this is the health of your spine and the function of your nervous system.  Please allow us to help you understand and discover just how important a spinal screening is, and what our chiropractors will look for and how care can benefit your health now, and long term.
If you haven’t had your spine checked, consider this: How long would you go without brushing your teeth? Would you wait for your teeth to rot and fall out before you see a dentist? Would you wait for your car to break down before you book a service? Why not have a professional chiropractic assess the health of your spine before it starts to break down.

Our Chiropractors look for the underlying cause of your health concern and provide recommendations for treatment and care. We will examine your spine, and use a computerised posture assessment tool that will analyse body position from the front and size to determine nerve interference and locate spinal misalignment.
There are 10 key body signals that our chiropractors will look for during your spine screening:

  • Forward head carriage
  • Un-levelling at the shoulders
  • Rounding in the shoulders
  • Un-leveling at the hips
  • Misaligned or rotated pelvis
  • A lateral curvature in the spine (known as a scoliosis)_
  • Weight bearing on knees and ankles
  • Muscle tightness or weakness
  • Compensation or antalgic (leaning, sway back)
  • Postural strain (inflammation)

    Schedule a free 10 minute in clinic chiropractic assessment

ChiroCure Clinic : 278 Inkerman Street, StKilda East 3183

Phone: (03) 9013 5133  |  Email: chirocure@mail.com  |   Website: www.chirocure.net 


Sports injury care at ChiroCure

5 ways athletes benefit from Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Massage & Myotherapy:
1. Undo the punishment the body takes in sports
2. Treatment appropriate for a variety of injuries – reduce pain
3.Non-invasive / drug free treatment
4. Injury prevention
5. Performance Enhancement

You don’t need to be a professional athlete to require chiropractic treatment for a sports injury or trauma. Whether you are a runner, cyclist, rower, footballer or cricket player; if you compete at a high level or just play for fun it is more than likely that at some time or another you’ll find yourself suffering from an injury.
Chiropractic treatment at ChiroCure Clinic in StKilda emphasis on restoring the body’s natural balance. Our techniques enable flexibility and mobility to injured joints, tissues and tendons to reduce pain.
Our methods are an effective and holistic for sportspeople of all abilities and levels.


We employ a natural approach that supports your health and may include:
•    Spinal care
•    Muscle release techniques
•    Balance exercises
•    Eye tracking and saccadic exercises
•    Sound therapy
•    Breathing and postural care (including postural reflex training)
•    Nutritional advice to support to reduce inflammation when appropriate and care of the nervous system
•    Mindful meditation
•    Ergonomic advice

Remedial massage and myotherapy ensures a complete recovery and complements chiropractic are.
​Massage is often recommended along with chiropractic or osteopathy treatment, either before or after and adjustment, as part of a patient’s treatment regime.
The combination of these treatments often produces more effective results, and faster healing for patients.


Chiropractic treatment for musculoskeletal  conditions and symptoms


Did you know about bra strap supports sold at ChiroCure?

Do you know how to get the right support from your bra?

Bra Strap Cushions are available for purchase at Chirocure Clinic in StKilda East.

They are effective and discreet posture aids. Women simply slide their bra straps into the specially designed bra strap cushion channels, for instant pain relief, and additional support.

Bra support cushions help to eliminate deep shoulder grooves, and bra slipping, whilst helping to prevent added pressure that bras may cause on the cervical and thoracic spine.

Our patients have found bra support cushions helpful with preventing headaches, migraines, shoulder tension and slouching.

Bra Strap Cushions are ideal for everyday wear and will ensure that every bra you own is super comfortable.
They will helps to promote the correct posture and aid in quicker recovery.

And the Best Part? Our Bra Strap cushions go unnoticed to ensure that you can’t see them or feel them under any piece of clothing.

Our bra support cushions are:

  • Barely-there
  • Come in a nude, pink and white color
  • Made of high-grade super-soft non-slip silicone
  • Reusable and hand washable
  • Provide comfort from painful bra-straps

Did you know that we have a rib misalignment??

Rib misalignment is no laughing matter…

A rib misalignment occurs when your rib moves slightly (backwards and inwards) from the thoracic vertebra towards the spine, the muscles in your back will then contract and tighten to protect the misalignment.

Symptoms include:

  • Difficulty or pain when breathing, sneezing, and coughing
  • Often causes a shooting pain that around the side or front of the chest
  • May also result in neck pain and pain or numbness along the arm
Rib Misalignment is usually caused by:

– Compression or trauma to the rib cage
– excessive squeezing or coughing

– Injuries where you are hit from the side
– Twisting injuries – lifting and twisting

How can chiropractic help:

– Relief from rib misalignment is difficult to self remedy.
– You can try an ice pack on the affected area, 10 minutes on, then 10 minutes off.

– Professional assistance is recommended if the symptoms haven’t improved after three days.


Total Body Modification (TBM) at ChiroCure Clinic

Holistic TBM treatment technique offered at Chiropractic Clinic Melbourne

TBM treatment technique offered at ChiroCure Clinic StKilda (03)90135133

 TBM is treatment technique supplied by some of our remedial therapists, which is focused on detecting imbalances within the body through muscle testing and tapping specific body points. TBM then aims to harnesses energy channels which are linked to internal organs and system functioning.

Our therapists will often implement TBM treatment techniques into her chiropractic consultations, which may be a component of TBM specific assessment and/or correction, which in effect ‘switches on the body’ to respond to the more advanced treatments, such as organ adjusting and parasympathetic (fight/fight) correction in future sessions. By using this technique, Dr Leski works to improve an individual’s allergy condition or overactive nervous system to produce a bodily response.

Our chiropractors are skilled in performing a series of muscle tests during her treatment appointment to discover and correct the internal imbalances and blockages that may be impairing your health. These corrections include the restoration of organ function, re-balance blood flow, restore pressure, and improve water utilization for longer lasting correction and better overall health.

TBM natural holistic treatment technique using muscle testing

ChiroCure Clinic TBM treatments


FlexEze patches are available at ChiroCure Clinic for instant pain relief for 12 hours

Why use a FlexEze patch?
– Lower back pain
– Muscle pain
– Muscle dysfunction
– Soft Tissue Injury
– Menstrual Cramps
– Tendinopathies
– Ligament Strain
– Joint Sprain

Why are Flexeeze patches effective?
FlexEze heat patches are air-activated.
They are designed to warm gradually.
Patches reach maximum heat in approximately 30 minutes.
Each patch will stay warm at a constant temperature for 12-24 hours.
They can be placed anywhere on the body comfortably.
They are 8cm x 10 cm in size.

How often can patches be used?
Patches can be used as often and as much as you like.
Please follow the recommendations for use described by your practitioner at ChiroCure Clinic.

How long will a patch last?
 FlexEze patches deliver a sustained temperature, above 40 degrees for approximately 12-24 hours.
We recommend that you discard your patch once it begins to cool.
Patches are not water proof, so please remove before showering and re-apply once dry.

Where else can I use them?
They are great because they are light weight and easy to carry for long travel.
Patches can be used with traveling long distances on planes, boats, cars and trains.

Will heat help with my treatment?
If you are suffering from muscle aches and pain then heat can help to relieve.
If you are experiencing muscle spasms, Flezeze patches can help.
Releasing tight and tender muscles can help to aid in a quicker recovery.
Please ensure that you follow the directions of your ChiroCure Clinic practitioner.