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Why Is Drinking Water Important To My Chiropractic Care?

Why should we drink more water?

Water intake is extremely crucial for your body and even more so when your body is trying to heal from musculoskeletal issues. Our body needs oxygen to function optimally and many do not realise water intake is necessary to enhance their oxygen level.

The human body is composed of roughly 70-80% water and even more in the brain at approximately 85-90%. It is evidently noted that lowered water consumption may lead to a decrease in mental and physical function with possible headache symptoms such as dizziness or fatigue. When water intake is decreased, your muscles do tend to be more rigid and they are easily damaged and aggravated leading to aches and pains.

The most common misconception is that consuming fluids like coffee, tea or even soda will help with your body’s water level but it actually leads to further dehydration and our chiropractors recommend that you replace the intake of these types of fluids with even more water.

How is water good for your body?

– Removes waste and toxins from your body more quickly following an adjustment
– Reduces the severity and length of time for any side effects (including headaches, nausea, migraines ect) from the adjustment
– Speeds up metabolism and boosts energy
Maintains proper organ functions
– Aids in weight loss
– Suppresses cravings and over active appetite
– Improves blood circulation and overall health
– Gives you healthier looking skin

How much water should you drink each day?

Recommended water intake by World Health Organization (WHO) for adults is approximately 1.5-2.5 litres.

There are no set rules for each individual, however, ChiroCure Clinic practitioners recommend that you try to consume at least an average of 8 glasses of water a day, and at least 1.5L/day when experiencing pain or in the presence of inflammation. 

Ways to drink water for your health

If increasing your water intake seems like a task, try adding lemon or mint to make it taste better and less boring. Carry a water bottle with you at all times has been shown to increase water consumption without effort.

Drink water during meals can interfere with digestion, so it’s best to drink after meals. It is best to drink cool water as it is absorbed more quickly into the body. Ask your chiropractors and remedial massage therapists about more helpful tips on your next visit to ChiroCure Chiropractic Clinic StKilda East.

You may also download an app on your phone called ‘Plant Nanny’ to constantly remind you to stay hydrated.


Chirocure clinic adjusting syle

ChiroCure Clinic Chiropractors apply various different treatment techniques during each visit, depending on patient presentation and preference.

Our therapeutic techniques include; activator, manual adjusting, drop piece, mobilization, distraction therapy, ultrasound therapy, soft tissue, pelvic blocking, NET, TBM, Cranio-Sacral techniques and cranial manipulation.

For more information please call us on (03)90135133

Our chiropractors find that our patients show the best response when using manual and activator adjusting in combination, for both joint and muscle release.

If you would prefer one technique over the other please ask your chiropractor at your next visit.

Manual Adjusting v’s Activator Adjusting

Activator Application

  • More gentle adjusting when applied to move joints
  • Used to release muscle and activate nerve endings
  • Helps to release surrounds fixation and ligaments
  • Compliments manual adjusting when applied
  • Can be used for less forceful adjustments
  • Specific application
  • Will not produce a pop sound
  • Applied to spine for patients with osteoporosis, scoliosis, for children, or during pregnancy


Manual Adjusting

  • Can be performed solely as a technique
  • Can be used to apply more force and pressure
  • Can move a specific joint on another
  • Can be applied to any joint in spine or body
  • Produces a popping sound
  • Can result in instant relief
  • Shows the quickest body response
  • May cause tenderness for a few hours after due to muscle release


Welcome to our new pregnancy specialist remedial massage therapist – Grace

Hours Available

Wednesday   9:00am – 1:00pm
Thursday     11:00am – 2:00pm
*Appointments available on request

Deep tissue
Trigger Point
Cross friction release
Muscle stripping
Pre and Post pregnancy
Induction massage for pregnancy
Myofascial release

Grace Foong


​Visit Ms Foong at our clinic in St Kilda East VIC


Did you know about our pregnancy services?

Throughout pregnancy an expectant mother experiences many hormonal and structural changes in order to prepare the mother’s body for the developing baby, as well as for the birth process.

Our chiropractors and remedial massage therapists may be able to help you to better manage pain and stress through all stages of your pregnancy and after birth.

​For more information regarding appointments and therapeutic services available, please go to our pregnancy page. 

Our massage therapist Grace Foong has done 6 years of pregnancy training and further learning courses. She has also completed an obstetrics massage course at university.
Dr Leski has a passion for working with pregnancy and paediatric chiropractic therapies, having worked with patients in the field for the past 7 years. She has completed four paediatric courses and pregnancy related seminars.
Changes to the body during pregnancy may include:
> Weight gain, as the breasts and uterus grow.
> Protruding abdomen – the abdominal muscles and tissues start to stretch as the baby continues to grow.
> Pelvic ligament loosening – due to the increased amounts of hormones necessary for birthing. 
> Pelvic strain – this can occur as the body prepares to give birth.
> Joint instability – movement may become more difficult or painful, especially during the third trimester. 
> Changes to the pelvis and sacrum position – muscles may strain to support the weight of the foetus.
> Postural changes; including an increased lumbar curve, low back sway, hip rotation, pelvis un-levelling.
> Ankle or knee strain – inflammation or pain is common as weight distribution changes occur.

Read ChiroCure Clinic’s weekly blog posts.
Keep up to date with the latest health news, chiropractic & remedial massage therapy research, clinical trial data findings, home care advice, pain management plans, patient handouts, chiropractic exercises & stretches, video rehabilitation, adjusting information, ergonomic advice, condition / symptoms and more.

ChiroCure Clinic is focused on providing effective treatment care for pain conditions.

Phone (03)90135133 to book a consultation, or schedule online @www.chirocure.net/appointments


Disc Bulge and Slipped Disc Research

Do you have a disc bulge or slipped disc?
Can chiropractic treatment help?

A recent study published in an international peer reviewed journal found that patients with neck pain as a result of cervical spine disc herniation respond favourably to Chiropractic adjustments. (1)

 The Swiss study investigated 50 patients with symptoms consistent with nerve compression in the neck, and MRI was used to confirm the presence of disc herniation (otherwise known as a disc bulge or prolapsed disc). Patients were treated with manual chiropractic adjustments to the cervical spine at the site of the prolapsed disc, and investigators measured changes in signs and symptoms over a 3-month period. The study found 55.3% of patients had improved symptoms after just 2 weeks of chiropractic care and furthermore, improvement continued over time, with 43 of the 50 patients (85.7%) reporting less pain at 3 months. 

The severity of a prolapsed disc will vary from case to case, but this study adds to the body of published literature that has found that the majority of cases (even those with severe symptoms) respond well to Chiropractic care. A very small number of cases may require surgery, but it is important that those people who experience neck pain and arm pain be assessed by a registered Chiropractor to determine whether surgical intervention is required.

Chiropractic care aims to restore function to the body, removing tension from the nervous system and tissues, thus allowing the body to heal itself and function naturally. Chiropractors use varying methods and techniques to assess and correct areas of imbalance in the spine.

If you’re suffering from severe neck pain or arm pain, call us today on 90135133 to schedule an appointment for a thorough examination and assessment.
A copy of the full journal article profiled in this blog is available to read at ChiroCure Clinic, located at 278 Inkerman Street, StKilda East. Melbourne 3183.

1. Peterson, C.K., Schmid, C., Leemann, S., Anklin, B. & Humphreys, B.K. Outcomes From Magnetic Resonance Imaging – Confirmed Symptomatic Cervical Disk Herniation Patients Treated With High-Velocity, Low-Amplitude Spinal Manipulative Therapy: A Prospective Cohort Study With 3-Month Follow-Up. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2013: (13) S0161:4756.

ChiroCure Adjustment techniques


Family Chiropractic Care – Treatment for people of all ages.
Sport Injury Management – Full body and spinal injury management
Rehabilitation – in clinic advice and on site rehabilitation services including personalised rehabilitation programs, patient exercise manuals and various gym programs.
Pre and Post-Natal Musculoskeletal Care – pregnancy related management for pregnancy patients.
Applied Kinesiology – A chiropractic system that evaluates structural, chemical and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing with other standard methods of diagnosis)
Chiropractic spinal adjustments  – Treatment tool applied with various treatments techniques. ​


Manual Therapy

  •  Adjustment/ manipulation (an audible release or crack may be heard (this sound is merely a result of a gas bubble forming inside the joint)
  • Flexion distraction (increases the spinal motion to resolve disc bulges and disc herniations using a distraction table)

Low-force Techniques

  • Activator adjusting (a device that delivers a painless impulse into a joint) 
  • Pelvic Blocks (using gravity to stretch the pelvic and lumbar joints, for better alignment)
  • Drop-piece table (involves a specialised table with sections that control drop to facilitate movement in various joints)
  • Sustained direct manual pressure ( release fixated joints and muscles with associated with deep breathing)
  • Soft Tissue release  ( Various muscle release techniques to help with hypertonic and tender muscles)
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ChiroCure Clinic StKilda East


How our chiropractors diagnose spinal conditions and spinal degeneration on xray imaging?

The importance of radiology imaging in chiropractic treatment plans…

  • Radiology Imaging procedures can be an integral part of chiropractic diagnostic procedures. 
  • Our chiropractors use X-ray images to help determining the health of your spine.
  • Imaging will show any misalignment in the vertebrae and spine, and our chiropractors demonstrate and explain this is detail on your report of findings appointment report.
  • X-rays can increase the safety and accuracy of your chiropractic care, and help to determine the right course of treatment and management program for you.
  • We offer 100% bulk billed radiology imaging (xray) when referred  by of our chiropractors. We can provide a referral form to any local radiology clinic, ie Capital Radiology Balaclava or Elsternwick, MIA Caulfield, Capital Connect Caulfield North.  

degenerative disc injury chiropractors balaclava VIC

Our chiropractors can organise bulk billing for you under Medicare, for all patients with a current medicare care card. 

If X-rays are required you will be referred to a local radiology clinic in Balaclava or Elsternwick.  

​Please ask one of our ChiroCure Clinic chiropractors to provide you with a referral next time you visit the clinic in StKilda or Elwood.

Our chiropractors take a thorough approach to your case, to help ensure that you will be provided with the highest standard of chiropractic care

​Based on the nature of your condition as well as a number of other factors, x-ray studies of your spine or injured body part may be required to identify subtle abnormalities of the spine, as well as more serious pathologies and the level of degeneration / nerve irritation present. 

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Chronic back pain? Help is at hand

As part of Spinal Health Week 2017, we are raising awareness of chronic back pain and encouraging Australians to seek help.

Spinal Health Week this year is focused on encouraging people to seek help for chronic back problems.

​If you or anyone you know is affected by chronic back pain, the good news is that you don’t need to suffer in silence. You can visit us to find out how chiropractic care can help.

Chronic back pain is a national issue. One in six Australians suffer from the physical and psychological effects of chronic back problems – that’s an estimated 3.7 million people suffering.
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare defines chronic back pain as a health condition that lasts for three months or longer. 
Chronic back pain is a national issue.

One in six Australian suffer from the physical and psychological effects of chronic back problems – that’s an estimated 3.7 million people suffering. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare defines chronic back pain as a health condition that lasts for three months or longer.

Merry Christmas from your team at Chirocure Clinic.

 We are here for you this holiday season!

Our holiday operating hours 2017/2018

Open Normal Hours until Friday 22nd December

Monday 25 Dec: CLOSED
Tuesday 26 Dec: CLOSED

Wednesday 27 Dec: 9am – 7pm
Thursday 28 Dec: 1pm – 8pm
Friday 29 Dec: 1pm – 6pm
Saturday 30 Dec: 9am – 3pm

Monday 1 Jan 2018: CLOSED
Tuesday 2 Jan 2018: CLOSED

Normal practice hours will resume from Monday the 3rd January 2018.


Activator adjusting at ChiroCure


Activator adjusting at ChiroCure Clinic StKilda 3183

The Activator Method is one of the most widely-researched chiropractic techniques and the only instrument adjusting technique with 23 clinical trials to support its efficacy.
Activator Methods has published hundreds of clinical and scientific peer-reviewed papers, worked with major academic research institutions, and received grants from recognised entities like the USA’s National Institutes of Health.

We use the activator adjusting tool in chiropractic treatments at our clinic in StKilda.

For more information and appointment availability please call the clinic on (03)90135133

Or click the link to our website below: